Pelham Was Hammered by Three Successive Hurricanes in Six Weeks in 1893

The tiny little Town of Pelham has been in the bull's-eye of numerous massive storms, not the least of which is the recent storm known as "Super Storm Sandy" that pounded the region on October 28, 2012. Another brutal example occurred in 1938, when Pelham was devastated by the massive hurricane that came to be known as the "Long Island Express," one of the most violent and destructive storms ever to pound the northeast.

Pelham Was Hammered by Three Successive Hurricanes in Six Weeks in 1893

The tiny little Town of Pelham has been in the bull's-eye of numerous massive storms, not the least of which is the recent storm known as "Super Storm Sandy" that pounded the region on October 28, 2012. Another brutal example occurred in 1938, when Pelham was devastated by the massive hurricane that came to be known as the "Long Island Express," one of the most violent and destructive storms ever to pound the northeast.

Brief Account of Damage in Pelham During the Earthquake of August 10, 1884

Few may realize it, but only 13 miles from Pelham -- far beneath 125th Street in Manhattan -- lies the so-called "125th Street Fault Line." While it is nothing like major fault lines such as the "San Andreas Fault" on the west coast of the United States, the 125th Street Fault Line is still a concern to experts who recognize that population growth in the region since the late 19th century have increased the risks of substantial damage from major earthquakes.