The List

This is a big anniversary year for one of the most prolific contributors to our local dance scene, Colorado Springs Dance Theatre . For 40 years, this group has brought professional dance companies to our city and enriched local arts through dance classes, scholarship opportunities and performances by local dancers.

Ballerina, lion tamer found love at the circus

Love can conquer and sustain all, even when two people come from different cultures on separate continents and have very different goals for the future. Luis Palacio was born in Mexico, into, he says, a family where the two most important things were animals and the military.

Twelve Questions with Roger Murray

Roger Murray has spent two decades making monsters, gore and weapons for film and TV shows like Narnia, Spartacus and the Evil Dead at his workshop in Henderson. The props, prosthetics and make-up designer has created a giant animated cat for a play at the Herald Theatre this month.

Free things to do in central Pa. as January ends

Winner of the Best Director Award at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival, “Middle of Nowhere” follows Ruby, a bright medical student who sets aside her dreams and suspends her career when her husband is incarcerated. Rated R. Dickinson will present a faculty brass ensemble concert.

DFW dance groups were en pointe in 2016

Leticia Oliveira and Jiyan Dai dance as the Texas Ballet Theater performs “Carmen’ in a September dress reheasal at the Winspear Opera House in Dallas. That’s still the consensus , but this year, Texas Ballet Theater was more interesting than it has been in about a decade – due to more mixed repertory programs and commissions by established and up-and-coming choreographers.

Top 10 things to do

In a time of conflict, a group of unlikely heroes band together on a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, the Empire’s ultimate weapon of destruction. This key event in the Star Wars timeline brings together ordinary people who step up to do extraordinary things.