CBS Suggests Trump Is ‘Exaggerating the Threat from’ the Middle East

CBS Evening News was steeped in mystery Tuesday as they hyped anonymous sources that suggested President Donald Trump was playing up the threat from the Middle East. ” There is a controversy tonight inside U.S. intelligence over whether the Trump administration is exaggerating the threat from Muslim countries, ” announced anchor Scott Pelley as he noted debate is encouraged, ” But Jeff Pegues reports that this is different because some analysts believe they’re being pressured to report the results that the White House wants to hear.

Major Media Remain in Denial

Since Donald Trump’s election, the major media have been trying to figure out what they did wrong, given their fawning coverage of Hillary Clinton and their anti-Donald Trump stories. Didn’t they help twice elect Barack Obama? Why didn’t the formula work this time? Mostly the media blame voters, talk radio and Fox News, never themselves.