The Thunderbolt: TB 170224 Cold Steel Arms 2X, Segment 1

This week’s archive radio show starts right off with the Toothless Old Grandpa stealing my microphone! After I steal it back, I first present both the problem and the solution to Ted Nugent! Then, we conduct a study on how false flags are used to promote fascism – and then the Toothless Old Grandpa explains to the citizens of Chicago why they have nothing to worry about! Next, we encourage all of our listeners to go F-%@# yourselves! Really! After that we nuance evil by illuminating the fact that most of these folks are not so much evil at heart as they are merely adapting to their environment – just like any successful species does! If you find yourself in an environment that lavishly rewards incredibly vile behavior whilst simultaneously severely punishing honorable behavior – well – what’s an adaptating species to do? The Toothless Old Grandpa then surprises us yet again by taking us … (more)

The X-Factor Australia has been axed

Angus Ross, head of programming at Seven, confirmed the news to The Daily Telegraph on Monday, saying: ‘X Factor is not coming back. We have a number of slots to fill and over the next couple of months we’ll be announcing a lot more.’

‘Degrassi”s new season tackles abortion, refugees, ‘scary right-wing thinking’

The esteemed Canadian teen-TV franchise “Degrassi” is tackling the subject of abortion again, given that it’s “a very important time to be telling this story,” says series co-creator Linda Schuyler. In the upcoming third season of “Degrassi: Next Class,” Amanda Arcuri’s 16-year-old character Lola Pacini decides to have an abortion and viewers get a unique perspective – from inside the procedure room with her.


In his upcoming budget proposal, Gov. Scott Walker is proposing to establish a series of sunrise and sunset review commissions that would analyze proposed and existing occupational licenses to see if they are needed, or if they are too restrictive, and we think it is a good proposal that is long overdue. Friday, February 3, 2017 Some might consider our reporting of an affair between two Oneida County sheriff’s department officers to be a bit tawdry, but what’s tawdry is not the reporting but the behavior.