Cong. Chris Collins

… small businesses . Companies could once again through trade associations get insurance. Or negotiate with their health insurance company. To get insurance that works. Out for them without this essential benefit one side at all. The company decide …

House GOP eyes three-week plan on Obamacare

House Republicans on Thursday said leaders want to smooth over party divisions and pass their Obamacare repeal plan within three weeks, as the GOP scrambles to keep its health care promises before the Easter break. GOP leaders are trying to repeal and replace as much of the Affordable Care Act as they can under a fast-track budget process that allows them to avoid a Democratic filibuster in the Senate.

With executive order, Trump tosses a “bomb” into fragile health insurance markets

President Donald Trump’s new executive order instructing federal agencies to grant relief to constituencies affected by the Affordable Care Act has begun to reverberate throughout the nation’s health-care system, injecting further uncertainty into an already unsettled insurance landscape. The political signal of the order, which Trump signed Friday just hours after being sworn into office, was clear: Even before the Republican-led Congress acts to repeal the 2010 law, the new administration will move swiftly to unwind as many elements as it can on its own – elements that have changed how 20 million Americans get health coverage and what benefits insurers must offer some of their customers.