Clinton, Trump to vote one mile apart

US Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump will vote barely more than a mile apart on Tuesday in New York after sparring with each other at campaign rallies. "Trump will vote at Hilton Hotel in New York, not at Trump Tower and interestingly, Clinton will vote just about a mile apart at the Javits Convention Centre.

Gustav Mayer House in Staten Island, NY.

The house was built by David Ryers, a commander in the New York militia and then owned by Gustav Mayer and his family until the 1980s, According to His two daughters lived there into their 100s, and "were so reclusive that they refused to leave the home, lowering baskets out of windows to collect groceries, laundry and mail."

Dressing for work

... NY, where I'll meet my pal Brad Marshall . He and I will then spend the weekend painting at the American Yacht Club in Rye, NY. The hardest part of this much traveling is not the driving, but the packing and repacking. It is shaping up to be another ...