... ral scientist at the institute and focuses on vector-borne diseases, the Audubon notes. The talk will be held at the Katonah Village Library's Garden Room on April 12. Refreshments will be served at 7 p.m. and the talk itself will begin at 7:30 p.m.
BERGENFIELD -- A woman from New York was issued a summons after she struck a 39-year-old woman in a Bergenfield crosswalk on Sunday, authorities said. Maria Franco, 43 from Katonah, N.Y., was making a left turn on South Washington Avenue in her Chevrolet Silverado when she struck a woman from Englewood who was in a crosswalk.
This holiday season, the Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center, and Northern Westchester Hospital cancer patients and their families have a particular reason to be grateful, thanks to the generosity of the Katonah Chamber of Commerce. The Katonah Chamber of Commerce and Northern Westchester residents recently teed up for a good cause, as the chamber held its third annual Charity Golf Outing and Gala Dinner at the Salem Golf Club.