PURCHASE, N.Y. – The University of Pennsylvania men's golf team is in sixth place after the first day of the Ivy League Championships.
Combined Teladoc Health and Microsoft capabilities to be leveraged for improved patient care. PURCHASE, NY, April 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) ...
PURCHASE, NY, April 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teladoc Health (NYSE: TDOC), the global leader in whole-person virtual care, today announced its ...
... based on consumers' evolving taste and beverage preferences,” notes Todd Kaplan, chief marketing officer at the Purchase, N.Y.-based company.
Century Country Club in Purchase, N.Y. (par 71; 7023 yards) The Field IVIES: Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, Yale