Tarrytown residents have the opportunity to safely destroy unwanted personal papers and documents from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, March 2. It’s first-come, first-served at the mobile shredder in the Green Street parking lot.
Westchester County is sponsoring the event to help protect residents from identity theft.
The county said old documents and bills are a gold mine for identity thieves. One of the best ways to minimize the risk of identity theft is to shred all documents no longer in use that have personal identifying information such as name, address, phone number, credit card number or Social Security number.
Examples include pre-approved credit card applications, old credit card bills, receipts, bank statements, old tax returns or any other documents containing your name, address and other identifying information.
Paper generated by businesses, schools, institutions, government or municipal offices will not be accepted at this event. County staff will inspect all paper to be shredded and will reject any paper identified as commercial or institutional.
Each resident may bring a maximum of four file boxes approximately 10x12x15 inches in size.
All paper must be free of clips, bindings, folders and files.
No bound or hardcover ledger books are allowed.
For more information about identity theft, call the Department of Consumer Protection at 914-995-2155