... substance, the task force said. In addition, he has been charged with criminal sale of a controlled substance in Tarrytown, but has not been arrested on that charge, task force members said. Burgos is currently being held at the Westchester County ...
Rotary Club members rock fuzzy, yellow costumes to promote the organization's annual Rubber Duck Derby set for this spring. They were probably the warmest folks in the Tarrytown-Sleepy Hollow St. Patrick's Day Parade Sunday.
A Tarrytown man is facing felony drug charges after being busted on Thursday, March 16 for selling prescription drugs in Irvington. Following an investigation by the Greenburgh Drug and Alcohol Task Force, 20-year old Zachary Reichman was arrested and charged with a felony count of fifth-degree criminal sale of a controlled substance following an alleged incident on Jan. 18. Reichman was arraigned in Irvington Court on Thursday, March 16 and remanded to the Westchester County Jail in lieu of $5,000 bail.
... along with 18 other students from Westchester County, have qualified to move on to the state round on April 29 in Tarrytown, the release said. The "You Be The Chemist Challenge" is an interactive academic contest that encourages students in grades 5 ...