Find out what's happening in Tarrytown-Sleepy Hollowwith free, real-time updates from Patch. Subscribe. According to information on the town's website ...
Box 543, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522. Read or leave a comment on this story... Sponsor. Andrea Martone - Tarrytown, Sleepy ...
Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow environmental advisory groups will hold their first “Compost Give-Back Day” on June 25 from 3-5pm at... Read More.
Peter Laviolette gives remarks at a press conference where he is introduced as the new New York Rangers coach June 20, 2023, in Tarrytown.
Dennis Loffredo's passing on Thursday, June 22, 2023 has been publicly announced by Dwyer & Michael's Funeral Home in Tarrytown, NY.
Renee was born in Tarrytown, NY on October 24, 1942 to Mary and George Phenix the youngest of three children. She was preceded in death by her ...