Hillary Clinton Now Gives Press Conferences While Donald Trump Avoids Them

After several days of recovering from pneumonia at home, Democratic Nominee for President of the United States former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton returns to the campaign trail beginning her day by greeting the Press Corp aboard the campaign plane bound for Greensboro, North Carolina, in White Plains, New York on Thursday September 15, 2016. For months journalists complained they couldn't get Hillary Clinton to answer questions from her traveling press entourage, while Donald Trump cavorted with reporters and appeared on television ad nauseam.

Hillary Clinton: I am the best candidate to combat terrorism

Hillary Clinton has cast herself as the most qualified to combat terrorism in the US after a weekend of violent attacks in three states. US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks to the media before boarding her campaign plane at the Westchester County airport in White Plains, New York.

Clinton, Trump Differences on ISIS Back on Display

Multiple explosions in three states over the weekend have put terrorism - especially concerns of domestic attacks - back into the forefront of a presidential race heading into the final weeks of a tumultuous campaign. In a brief news conference on the tarmac in White Plains, N.Y. Monday morning, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton staked claim to experience, saying her tenure as secretary of state makes her the sole candidate in the race who "has been part of the hard decisions" to fight terrorism.

Race tightens in projected US Electoral College vote: Reuters/Ipsos

US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton holds a news conference on the airport tarmac in front of her campaign plane in White Plains, New York, United States September 8, 2016. Photo: Reuters An election analysis conducted in the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project shows that the race has tightened considerably over the past few weeks, with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump projected to win Florida, an essential battleground state, if the election were held today.

Urging Caution, Hillary Slams Trump on Hasty ‘Bomb’ Declaration

Hillary Clinton said late Saturday that she had been "briefed about the bombings in New York and New Jersey" and slammed Donald Trump for declaring that a "bomb went off" in lower Manhattan before authorities announced more details. "Obviously, we need to do everything we can to support our first responders, also to pray for the victims," Clinton told reporters aboard her airplane in White Plains, N.Y. "We have to let this investigation unfold."

New analysis: Presidential race dead even

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton holds a news conference on the airport tarmac in front of her campaign plane in White Plains, New York. REUTERS/Brian Snyder An election analysis conducted in the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project shows that the race has tightened considerably over the past few weeks, with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump projected to win Florida, an essential battleground state, if the election were held today.

Obama urges China to address industrial excess capacity -White House

... and that is why the United States has not yet elected a woman president, President Barack Obama said on Sunday. WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. An adviser to U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's campaign said on Sunday that Trump will meet with ...

The Latest: Trump finally acknowledges Obama born in US

... Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton smiles as she speaks to aids on her campaign plane, in White Plains, N.Y., Thursday, Sept. 15, 2016, before traveling to Greensboro, N.C. for a rally. Clinton returned to the c... Authorities say an ...

Clinton back on campaign trail after releasing… This file photo…

This file photo taken on September 11, 2016 shows US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton waving to the press as she leaves her daughter's apartment building after resting on September 11, 2016 in New York. By JULIE PACE and LISA LERER WHITE PLAINS, New York: Hillary Clinton returns to the campaign trail Thursday after a bout of pneumonia that sidelined her for three days and revived questions about both Donald Trump's and her openness regarding their health.