YONKERS EVENT: Mary Calvi to speak at February 26th Chamber Of Commerce Breakfast

Mary Calvi is a WCBS-TV journalist and author of “Dear George, Dear Mary: A Novel of George Washington’s First Love” as wellas, First Lady of Yonkers

Yonkers First Lady, Journalist and Author, Mary Calvi will be the Keynote Speaker at the next Chamber Breakfast.

She will be discussing her Book “Dear George, Dear Mary, a Novel of George Washington”, followed by a Book Signing

The breakfast will be held on Tuesday, February 26th, 7:30 am at The Fairways at Dunwoodie, One Wasylenko Lane, Yonkers. This breakfast is co-sponsored by Country Bank and Sound Associates, Inc.

Early Bird Coffee and the opportunity to network with members starts at 7:30 am with Breakfast at 7:45 am.

The cost is $15 for members, $20 for guests of members, and $25 for non-members.

Come early for networking and bring an ample supply of business cards and handouts.

To reserve, call the Chamber office at (914) 963-0332 or RSVP on the Chamber’s Website www.yonkerschamber.com.