... etrog does not play a central role. As for Moster, he is a big fan of the etrog, and makes an annual trek from his Yonkers, New York, home to Brooklyn's Borough Park neighborhood, where dozens of vendors sell the fruit ahead of Sukkot. "My sukkah ...
... etrog does not play a central role. As for Moster, he is a big fan of the etrog, and makes an annual trek from his Yonkers, New York, home to Brooklyn's Borough Park neighborhood, where dozens of vendors sell the fruit ahead of Sukkot. "My sukkah ...
A Yonkers Public School teacher was recently recognized for his work for educating students and others about the Holocaust and other violations of human rights by the New York State Board of Regents. Mitchell Polay, a sixth-grade teacher at Paideia School 15, was honored with the Louis E. Yavner Teacher Award which recognizes teachers who make outstanding contributions to teaching about the Holocaust and other human rights violations.
... scarce and expenses high, was an impossible city for a young couple. Since Grundman's mother, Rachel, was born in Yonkers, New York, he had the bonafides to move to New York City. There he enrolled in the French (now International) Culinary ...