Please be advised that the Legislation and Codes Committee Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019, at 5:30 pm. The Legislation and Codes Committee Meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers, Yonkers City Hall, 4th Floor.
Legislation and Codes Committee
Shanae V. Williams, Chairwoman
1. A General Ordinance Amending Chapter 56 , Section 98 of The Code Of The City Of Yonkers, Entitled “Scaffolding Required; Permit; Fee”, By Requiring The Permit Holder To Cause The Removal Of Scaffolding and Sidewalk Sheds If There Has Been No Work Performed On The Site For One Calendar Year. (Neutral Fiscal Impact)
2. A General Ordinance Amending Chapter 43 of The Code of the City of Yonkers Relating to the Zoning District known and designated as the Artisans and Industry Special district for the Purpose of ensuring that all permitted and accessory uses intended for the Zone are included in the Artisans and Industry Special District. (No Fiscal Impact)
3. A General Ordinance Amending Chapter 58 of The Code of The City of Yonkers Entitled “Housing and Building Maintenance Code” Concerning Vacant Properties (No Fiscal Impact)
Committee Members
Mike Khader, Council President
Michael Breen, District 5
Corazón Pineda- Isaac, District 2
Shanae Williams, District 1
John Rubbo, District 4