I, Mike Khader, City Council President of the City of Yonkers, do hereby call a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the 2019/2020 Capital Budget of the City of Yonkers as follows:
Monday, July 15, 2019
City Council Chambers
City Hall
40 South Broadway – 4th Floor
Yonkers, New York
6:45 p.m.
The proposed amendment to the 2019/2020 Capital Budget is on account of a new capital project, which is for the benefit of the City and the Board of Education. The total amount of the proposed increase on account of this additional capital project shall not exceed $2,000,000.
Anyone wishing to speak may sign up on the night of the hearing at the hearing site. Each speaker shall be permitted three minutes and speakers shall be called in the order in which they have signed up.
July 08, 2019