OKLAHOMA CITY American Experience Films Reviewed by: Harvey Karten, Shockya Grade: B Director: Barak Goodman Written by: Barak Goodman Cast: Janet Beck, Jim Botting, Bill Buford, Jerry Flowers, Lee Hancock, John Hersley, Jeff Jamar, Daniel Levitas, Lou Michel, Bill Morlin, Kerry Noble, Randy Norfleet, Mark Potok, Bob Ricks, Jennifer Rodgers, Kat Schroeder Screened at: Review 2, NYC, 1/26/17 Opens: February 3, 2017 followed by a PBS premiere on February 7, 2017. There is reason to believe that Barak Goodman, who wrote and directed this documentary about the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, was not aware of how relevant his film could be today given the results of the recent presidential election.