Bill Maher rallied the liberal troops Friday night, hoping to generate a little excitement on the left by summoning their own “loudmouth, kick ass New Yorker who is up all night on social media” aka Anthony Weiner or Eliot Spitzer. “If the new normal is a president who has bragged about sexual assault and walking in on naked teenage beauty pageant contestants and who has spoken lustfully about his own daughter and once said of a fifth grader, ‘I’m going to date her in 10 years,’ tell me again why someone like Eliot Spitzer is so terrible,” Maher said on Friday night’s “Real Time.”
Category: Anthony Weiner
‘Reality TV’ campaigning is part of new political world
Donald Trump proved you could ride reality TV fame to the White House. Former U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner proved that having a film crew around can just compound the embarrassment of a political freefall.