In January 2016, the Suskinds were at the Sundance Film Festival in Utah to debut “Life, Animated,” a documentary about Owen by Oscar-winning director Roger Ross Williams. The movie details how Owen, now 25, developed regressive autism at age 3 and stopped speaking, how he reconnected to his family and the outside world through Disney animated movies, and how he now lives and works on his own in Hyannis.
Category: Christian-Rock
Syracuse Opera, Newsboys: 6 shows to see this week
Would you rather watch dancers than football players? You’re in luck on Super Bowl Sunday. Do you love reggae funk? Make plans for Wednesday.
Syracuse Opera, Newsboys: 6 shows to see this week
Would you rather watch dancers than football players? You’re in luck on Super Bowl Sunday. Do you love reggae funk? Make plans for Wednesday.
Alicia Keys: Today’s celebrity birthdays list
Country singer Claude Gray is 85. Actress Leigh Taylor-Young is 72. Actress Dinah Manoff is 59. Drummer Mike Burch of River Road is 51. Singer Kina is 48. Actress Ana Ortiz is 46. Drummer Joe Sirois of Mighty Mighty Bosstones is 45. Guitarist Matt Odmark of Jars of Clay is 43. Actor Michael Trevino is 32. Bassist Calum Hood of 5 Seconds to Summer is 21.