This image released by Disney shows Dan Stevens as The Beast, left, and Emma Watson as Belle in a live-action adaptation of the animated classic “Beauty and the Beast.” This image released by Disney shows Dan Stevens as The Beast, left, and Emma Watson as Belle in a live-action adaptation of the animated classic “Beauty and the Beast.”
Category: Dan Stevens
Gay character in Disney’s ‘Beauty and the Beast’ prompts calls for boycotts
Luke Evans stars as Gaston and Josh Gad as Le Fou in Disney’s new, live-action remake of “Beauty and the Beast.” Even before it opens, the movie has generated controversy over reports that Gad’s character is gay.
Dan Stevens’ Downton apology
The ‘Beauty and the Beast’ actor left the popular TV drama in 2012 – when his character Matthew Crawley was killed off in a car accident – and Dan revealed people are still upset about it. The 34-year-old star, who quit to forge a Hollywood career, told the Sunday Mirror: “I’m still apologizing to people now.
Why the production designer of new TV series Legion has a dream job
Rachel Keller, left, and Dan Stevens, two of the stars of FX series Legion, are seen one of the many sets built in an enormous warehouse in Burnaby, B.C. Rachel Keller, left, and Dan Stevens, two of the stars of FX series Legion, are seen one of the many sets built in an enormous warehouse in Burnaby, B.C. Michael Wylie is in production designers’ heaven. As he leads reporters on a tour of sets he designed and had built for the new TV series Legion , he says he has been given a freer-than-usual hand to let his imagination run wild.