The Vampire Diaries premiered on The CW in the fall of 2009, right at the height of Hollywood’s vampire craze. Its early success helped the young network to establish itself in a time of transition, as a number of the shows airing alongside it that first year were still holdovers from the late WB.
Category: Ian Somerhalder
Behind the scenes moments with Candice King and Paul Wesley
About the next episode of The Vampire Diaries: Damon and Alaric come face to face with an old enemy after they obtain a weapon that may be able to destroy Cade. Stefan is held captive by a surprising acquaintance and is forced to confront a dark secret from his past.
Nikki Reed & Nina Dobrev Are Friends Despite The Whole Ian Somerhalder Thing, Thank You Very Much
Ian Somerhalder’s love life has all the makings of a juicy celebrity feud. The actor dated his Vampire Diaries costar Nina Dobrev for about three years.