Hosted by Marcia Franklin, Dialogue is an award-winning, statewide discussion program that has aired on Idaho Public Television since 1994. Host Marcia Franklin interviews Isaac and Bjornen Babcock, husband and wife filmmakers from McCall, about their NATURE documentary River of No Return.
Category: Nature
Spy in the Wild, a Nature Miniseries
The final “making of” episode takes us through the evolution of Spy Creatures from the original BoulderCam to the PenguinCams that inspired the “spycams” in this series. Marvel and laugh at unexpected and funny moments from the Spy Creatures’ POV.
Watch ‘Spy In The Wild’ New PBS Show That Reveals Secret Life Of Animals [Video]
Spy in the Wild is a Nature miniseries airing on PBS Wednesday nights. The show began on Feb 1, 2017, and runs until March 1, 2017.