This cover image released by Crown shows “The Inkblots: Hermann Rorschach, His Iconic Test, and the Power of Seeing,” by Damion Searls. This cover image released by Crown shows “The Inkblots: Hermann Rorschach, His Iconic Test, and the Power of Seeing,” by Damion Searls.
Category: Psychiatry
What Shyamalan’s ‘Split’ gets wrong about dissociative identity disorder
Psychiatrist Dr. Garrett Marie Deckel received a “moving” email last week from a patient with multiple personalities, a condition known as dissociative identity disorder, or DID. “There’s a new movie out about a person with DID.
Why Men Have More Body Image Issues Than Ever
Superheroes today are a lot more shredded than they used to be. The original Superman and Batman look almost willowy compared to our muscle-bursting modern-day versions.