The ability to control fire is explored in the premiere of the documentary series “Origins: The Journey of Humankind” on National Geographic. The ability to control fire is explored in the premiere of the documentary series “Origins: The Journey of Humankind” on National Geographic.
Category: Taken
The Oscars, ‘The Voice,’ ‘MasterChef Canada’ and…
Okay, does this finally mark the end of awards season? I think I was a fresh-faced teenager back when it began. But one thing we all know for sure? As much attention as actors get, they always deserve more.
‘Taken’: TV Review
Clive Standen is forced to live up to Liam Neeson’s standard in an NBC series prequel that takes little from the films while also adding little that’s new. The pointlessness of TV shows mining brand names reaches something of a nadir with NBC’s Taken , which manages simultaneously to deliver nothing relating to the hit Liam Neeson movie franchise, while also becoming a completely different show after its February 27 premiere episode.