OPINION : It’s why we can expect Matt Reeves to say no – yet precisely why I hope he’ll say yes. “I’m always looking for a reason to say no when I’m approached about a big studio tentpole,” Reeves told IndieWire in 2014, on the occasion of his successful big studio tentpole Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.
Category: The Avengers
The Guardians of the Galaxy will meet the Avengers in ‘Infinity War’
The Guardians of the Galaxy will battle alongside Iron Man, Captain America, and the rest of “Earth’s mightiest heroes” in Avengers: Infinity War, Marvel Studios announced Friday night. That means, as the concept art above shows, we’ll see Rocket Raccoon blasting away beside Thor the thunder god.
Moscow Ritz-Carlton has seen many famous visitors (besides
Actors Robert Downey Jr. and Sir Ben Kingsley attend a photocall on the roof of The Ritz Carlton hotel during the Russia Tour for Iron Man 3 on April 10, 2013 in Moscow, Russia. Actors Robert Downey Jr. and Sir Ben Kingsley attend a photocall on the roof of The Ritz Carlton hotel during the Emma Stone during a press conference Ritz Carlton hotel before ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ premiere on June 15, 2012 in Moscow, Russia.
Prime Minister Theresa May reveals what she’ll be doing on Christmas Day
What will you be doing on Christmas Day, Prime Minister? What I’ve been doing for the last nearly 20 years. A quick drink with friends in our village and then the churches in my Maidenhead constituency come together to put on a lunch and entertainment for older people who would otherwise be on their own.