The documentary, which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in May, was originally scheduled to debut in March, but HBO moved up the release following the deaths of the iconic mother/daughter actresses. Billed in HBO’s press release as “the story of a family’s complicated love” and “an intimate portrait of Hollywood royalty in all its eccentricity,” the film includes vintage home movies from Fisher’s childhood as well as recent interviews.
Category: The Unsinkable Molly Brown
Reactions to the death of actress Debbie Reynolds Wednesday
I can’t believe this happened one day after Carrie. My heart goes out to Billie.”
Actress Debbie Reynolds, 84, dies a day after daughter
In this March 6, 1959, file photo actress Debbie Reynolds boards an airliner in New York en route to Spain where she will film a new picture.
Debbie Reynolds and daughter Carrie Fisher linked by death
In this Sept. 10, 2011, file photo, Debbie Reynolds, left, and Carrie Fisher arrive at the Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards in Los Angeles.
Hollywood actress Debbie Reynolds dies at 84, just a day after her daughter Carrie Fisher’s death
Her son Todd Fisher was quoted by weekly American trade magazine Variety as saying, “She wanted to be with Carrie.” His comments came hours after Reynolds collapsed at her Beverly Hills home and was rushed to the Cedars-Sinai hospital.