CNN anchor confronts Trump adviser on Russia: ‘How can you say…

CNN anchor Jake Tapper pressed President-elect Donald Trump’s top counselor over why his team hesitated to admit that they benefited from internal emails from the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign exposed by Russian hacking and leaking. In an interview on CNN on Sunday, Tapper asked Kellyanne Conway why she dismissed the hacking’s impact on the 2016 election.

Kellyanne Conway says Russia failed to influence US election

Kellyanne Conway, president and CEO of the Polling Company and the campaign manager of US President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign, speaks during the 4th Annual Women Rule Summit in Washington, DC, December 7, 2016. / AFP / SAUL LOEB Kellyanne Conway, president and CEO of the Polling Company and the campaign manager of US President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign, speaks during the 4th Annual Women Rule Summit in Washington, DC, December 7, 2016.

Donald Trump does U-turn on Russian hacking advice, ‘may take action’ – chief of staff

President-elect Donald Trump accepts the US intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia engaged in cyber attacks aimed at disrupting the presidential election and may take actions in response, his incoming chief of staff said on Sunday. Reince Priebus, the former Republican National Committee chairman, said Trump understands that Moscow was behind the intrusions into the Democratic Party organisations.

Trump must prove Putin’s assessment wrong

The declassified report from our intelligence agencies confirmed that Russia hacked and used other techniques to try to undermine confidence in our election system, denigrate Hillary Clinton and help elect President-elect Donald Trump. Russia “developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump,” the report states.

Goldman: Some things you just can’t make up

The first order of business from the power-hungry Republican members of the US House of Representatives in 2017 turned out to be not their pledge to end Obamacare or to defund Planned Parenthood, but instead their first action taken in the dark of night on January 2 was to gut their own long-standing independent ethics oversight panel! During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump announced that he had a ‘secret plan’ which would “end the violence in Chicago within 5 days of his taking office”.

Hillary Clinton not a saint

First, let me commend you on urging everyone to get behind President Elect Donald Trump. Love him or loath him, he will be our next President and we had all better hope and pray that he is successful.

Next 25 Articles

The young prince leading Saudi ArabiaA s drive for economic reform has laid out a three-pronged strategy to avoid a backlash from any religious conservatives opposed to his plan, according to remarks reported by Foreign Affairs magazine on Saturday. Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the 31-year-old overseeing the kingdomA s biggest-ever overhaul of state and society, told visiting researchers last month punitive measures would be considered for any clerics who incited or resorted to violence over the plan, one of the researchers wrote.

Trump, Putin and the Big Hack

Vyacheslav Molotov, Stalin’s foreign minister, once remarked while on a trip to Berlin in the early days of the Cold War, “The trouble with free elections is that you never know how they will turn out.” On the morning of November 9th, Molotov’s grandson, Vyacheslav Nikonov, a member of the Russian Duma’s foreign-affairs committee, announced to the parliament, “Three minutes ago, Hillary Clinton conceded defeat in the American Presidential elections.

Next 25 Articles

RT, a state-run Russian television network that broadcasts around the world in English, was implicated in a recently declassified United States intelligence report that accused the Russia government of meddling in the American presidential election to tip the vote in favor of Donald J. Trump. The Russians are accused of hacking the email systems of the Democratic National Committee and conducting a widespread disinformation campaign that included the propagation of fake news stories on the internet and the airwaves.

Trump Challenges Intel Agencies

President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday escalated his blunt public challenge to the U.S. intelligence agencies he will soon oversee, appearing to embrace WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s contention that Russia did not provide his group with the hacked Democratic emails that roiled the 2016 election. Trump’s [seen here] defiance has increased the pressure on intelligence officials to provide decisive evidence of Russian election interference.

Loyal opposition versus resistance to Trump

Perhaps nothing has made modern progressivism look sillier than the often hysterical reaction to the election of Donald Trump. This has spanned everything from street protests, claims of Russian electoral manipulation and even reports of sudden weight gain and loss of sexual interest.

To celebrate inaugural or not? Trump critics are divided

It’s typically an unquestioned honor to participate in the inauguration of an American president. Who wouldn’t want to be part of such a historic event? The sharp divisions over Donald Trump’s election have politicians, celebrities and even high school students debating whether taking part in the inauguration is a political act that demonstrates support for the new president and his agenda or a nonpartisan tribute to democratic traditions and the peaceful transfer of power.

Only ‘stupid and fool’ think cordial relations with Russia is bad: Trump

Washington .D.C. [USA], Jan. 8 : President-elect Donald Trump, who has been refusing to believe conclusions reached by the US intelligence agencies of Russian involvement in the 2016 election, has defended his belief that closer ties with Moscow would be good for Washington. [NK US] Trump’s comments came one day after he received intelligence reports stating that the Russian government hacked into the Democratic Party groups and individuals during the election, and that Moscow acted to hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign to benefit Trump.

Trump: ‘Stupid’ people oppose ties to Russia

A part of the declassified version Intelligence Community Assessment on Russia’s efforts to interfere with the U.S. political process is photographed in Washington, Friday, Jan. 6, 2017. Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a campaign to influence the American presidential election in favor of electing Donald Trump, according to the report issued by U.S. intelligence agencies.

Is ‘Hillary Clinton for mayor’ crazy talk?

If there’s any glimmer of truth to the rumors that Hillary Clinton is considering a run for mayor of New York City, it would be evidence that she might have tripped and bumped her head during one of those long walks she’s been taking in the woods of Westchester County. It’s not that she couldn’t make a credible run.

Kushner, considering White House role, eyes business exit

Jared Kushner, President-elect Donald Trump’s son-in-law and one of his closest advisers, is taking steps to distance himself from his sprawling New York real estate business in what is the clearest sign yet he is planning to take a position in the new administration. Kushner, who is married to Trump’s daughter Ivanka, must clear a series of hurdles before he takes any post in Washington.

Editorial, Jan. 8, 2017: Reform, dona t repeal, Obamacare

If Republican’s can’t convince Americans they have a replacement that’s better than the Affordable Care Act, then they’ll own the results. Which leads to the sneaking suspicion they don’t have an alternative that will provide equal or better coverage for about 20 million Americans who were able to obtain health insurance through Obamacare.

Trump: Only – stupid’ people, fools oppose better Russia ties

President-elect Donald Trump said Saturday that “only ‘stupid’ people or fools” would dismiss closer ties with Russia, and he seemed unswayed after his classified briefing on an intelligence report that accused Moscow of meddling on his behalf in the election that catapulted him to power. “Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing,” Trump said in a series of tweets.

Rumors fly that Hillary Clinton might run for mayor of New York…

Inside the Obamas all-night White House farewell party: Star-studded bash goes on until 4AM with Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks and SJP on the dance floor and chicken and waffles for breakfast 72 MILLION are put under a winter storm warning: Three dead, thousands without power in the South, Northeast is buried in blizzards and California braces for conditions ‘not seen for a decade’ Thousands of people wait for hours in freezing temperatures to try to score tickets to President Obama’s farewell speech in Chicago The Queen is STILL ill: Monarch to decide in the next 24 hours if she is well enough to attend church a month after she was last seen in public Charles Manson is back in prison after doctors determine he is TOO WEAK for surgery after suffering from intestinal bleeding 4,000 mile terror trip: Ex-soldier ‘specifically flew across the country to carry out Ft.

Trump wins applause for his a refreshinga celebrity-free inauguration

It is ironic that President-elect Donald Trump , a genuine celebrity in his own right, is shunned by many famous folk who refuse to be civil as inauguration day approaches? Who cares? So asks Roger L. Simon, founder of PJ Media and an award-winning Hollywood screenplay writer, who thinks the lack of celebrities is a “great thing” and points out that Hillary Clinton lost the election despite Tinseltown’s best efforts. “I’d like to see the inaugural completely celebrity-free.

Only ‘stupid and fool’ think cordial relations with Russia is bad: Donald Trump1 hour ago

Washington .D.C. [USA], Jan. 8: President-elect Donald Trump, who has been refusing to believe conclusions reached by the US intelligence agencies of Russian involvement in the 2016 election, has defended his belief that closer ties with Moscow would be good for Washington. Trump’s comments came one day after he received intelligence reports stating that the Russian government hacked into the Democratic Party groups and individuals during the election, and that Moscow acted to hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign to benefit Trump.

Trump: Only ‘stupid’ people think warm ties with Russia are a bad thing

President-elect Donald Trump is continuing to resist conclusions reached by US intelligence agencies on Russian involvement in the 2016 election, and on Saturday defended his long-held belief that closer ties with Russia would be good for the US. Trump’s comments come one day after he received intelligence stating that the Russian government hacked Democratic Party groups and individuals during the election, and that Moscow acted to hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign to benefit Trump.

Rachel Maddow: Donald Trump’s ‘Blatant Lies’ About Russian…

As only she can do , Rachel Maddow explained the backstory of the Russian hacking – Vladimir Putin’s rage at Hillary Clinton for calling out the “neither free nor fair” Russian election in 2011 that handed him the presidency. “But when this thing came out publicly today,” Maddow added in her next segment, “there was one additional thing that this report taught us.

Saudi Arabia’s dream of becoming dominant Muslim power in world has gone down in flames

LONDON: As recently as two years ago, Saudi Arabia ‘s half century-long effort to establish itself as the main power among Arab and Islamic states looked as if it was succeeding. A US state department paper sent by former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, in 2014 and published by Wikileaks spoke of the Saudis and Qataris as rivals competing “to dominate the Sunni world”.

Trump wants former Sen. Dan Coats to be intelligence chief

President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday named retired Sen. Dan Coats as national intelligence director, saying the former member of the Senate Intelligence Committee was the right person to lead the new administration’s “ceaseless vigilance against those who seek to do us harm.” Trump’s announcement came one day after release of a declassified government report on Russian efforts to influence the presidential election.

Apex gang member released from youth prison ‘plans to carry out fresh crimes’ in Melbourne

PICTURED: Discharged military vet, 26, who shot dead five at Ft.Lauderdale airport baggage claim after telling FBI two months ago that he was being forced by the CIA to fight for ISIS Relatives of Ft.Lauderdale shooting suspect reveal how he ‘lost his mind’ after Iraq tour, was being prosecuted for strangling his ex and had been hospitalized with psychiatric problems Why was mentally ill Florida shooting suspect allowed to carry a gun and bullets in his luggage? A look at TSA and airline weapon guidelines in wake of lone shooter’s rampage Esteban Santiago and the ISIS one-fingered salute: How Ft.Lauderdale shooting suspect made jihadi gesture in photo as authorities investigate his obsession with terror group Grandfather, 62, and a great grandmother celebrating her husband’s 90th birthday are the first two victims identified in Ft.

Unemployed MAFS star Erin Bateman flaunts sideboob and drinks Vodka Cruisers

PICTURED: Discharged military vet, 26, who shot dead five at Ft.Lauderdale airport baggage claim after telling FBI two months ago that he was being forced by the CIA to fight for ISIS Family of Ft.Lauderdale shooting suspect reveals how he ‘lost his mind’ after Iraq tour, was being prosecuted for strangling his ex and had been hospitalized with psychiatric problems Grandfather, 62, and a great grandmother celebrating her husband’s 90th birthday are the first two victims identified in Ft. Lauderdale airport shooting My laptop saved my life: Passenger at Ft.

US report: Putin ordered effort to help Trump, hurt Clinton

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, left, talks with National Security Agency and Cyber Command chief Adm. Michael Rogers on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Jan. 5, 2017, at the conclusion of a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing: “Foreign Cyber Threats to the United States.” WASHINGTON >> Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a hidden campaign to influence America’s presidential election in favor of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton, U.S. intelligence agencies declared Friday in the government’s first formal allegation supporting sensational claims that Trump and his supporters have staunchly resisted.

Report reveals why Putin wanted to undermine Hillary :0

Russian President Vladimir Putin personally ordered an unprecedented cyber campaign to undermine Hillary Clinton and boost Donald Trump during the presidential election, an intelligence report claimed Friday. The 25-page report prepared by the CIA, FBI and National Security Agency said Russia has consistently tried to disrupt “the US-led liberal democratic order” but the recent hacking “demonstrated a significant escalation in directness, level of activity and scope of effort compared to previous operations.”

Why Robots Always Turn Out Sexist

As highlighted by Donald Trump’s rhetoric and Hillary Clinton’s treatment by some in the media , sexism is still alive and well . Perhaps it’s not surprising, then, that artificial intelligence -something coded by humans-is also sexist.