Putin ordered campaign to influence prez election: US intel

The United States intelligence community in a new declassified file has accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of ordering an “influence campaign” to help Donald Trump win the White House and denigrate his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in a bid to undermine public faith in the American democratic process. US President-elect Donald Trump was quick to refute the conclusion, saying hacking did not impact the November 8 presidential polls outcome.

Trump meets with Vanity Fair, New Yorker editors

President-elect Donald Trump met with the top editors at Vanity Fair, The New Yorker and other Conde Nast magazines on Friday for a wide-ranging discussion on policy matters. The meeting, which was organized by Vogue editor Anna Wintour, a Hillary Clinton supporter, marked a rare and perhaps fleeting truce between the incoming president and some of his most outspoken critics.

The Latest: Report says Russians will continue to target US

U.S. intelligence officials are predicting that Russia will continue to develop capabilities to help President Vladimir Putin target the United States. A new declassified report says that immediately after Election Day, Russian intelligence began a spear-phishing campaign against U.S. government employees and individuals associated with U.S. think tanks or nonprofit organizations working in the fields of national security, defense and foreign policy.

Final farewell to two Hollywood icons: Debbie Reynolds and daughter …

Now Obama’s building a wall! Workers put the finishing touches to a brick barrier around $5million DC mansion where Barack, Michelle and Sasha will live after leaving the White House Liberal heckler who accosted Ivanka Trump on a JetBlue flight hides his face from a reporter at his Brooklyn home as he’s seen for the first time since he hurled abuse at her Scientology lawyer goes on national TV to slam Leah Remini for show that led to death threats against their leader David Miscavige More Hillary Clinton emails surface – and show how anti-gay Sharia law ruler The Sultan of Brunei treated Bill ‘like part of his family’ Russian election-year cyber attacks fall-out is a ‘witch hunt’ orchestrated by Democrats, says Trump as he asks Congress to investigate leak of top-secret hacking intelligence report EXCLUSIVE: Angelina Jolie accuses Brad Pitt of ‘publicly impugning’ her character in new … (more)

The Trump era begins

President Obama plans a valedictory for next week, and, as he promised, he’s continuing to work until the end. Last week, for example, he designated two new national monuments in Utah and Nevada .

Classified report on hacking going to Trump

The nation’s top intelligence officials are making their most detailed and persuasive case yet to President-elect Donald Trump that Russia interfered in this year’s U.S. political process. The officials – Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan and FBI Director James Comey – are preparing to point to multiple motives for Moscow’s alleged meddling as they brief Trump on their classified report Friday in New York.

COMMENTARY: Hypocrisy behind Julian Assange’s hero turn

Donald Trump’s, Sarah Palin’s and Sean Hannity’s embrace of Julian Assange – who has made a career of illegally obtaining and releasing documents damaging to American interests – is not just a puzzling policy shift. It is the triumph of ideology over, well, every other principle or commitment.

Joe Biden to Trump: ‘Grow up, Donald’

In an interview with PBS NewsHour that aired Thursday, Biden was asked about President-elect Donald Trump’s tweets, specifically one where he called Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer “the head clown” and another in which he wrote, “Doing my best to disregard the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks. Thought it was going to be a smooth transition – NOT!” “Grow up, Donald.

Former CIA chief cuts ties with Trump

Former CIA Director James Woolsey downplayed his role Thursday in President-elect Donald Trump’s transition, days after he publicly disputed the President-elect’s views on Russia’s role in the 2016 election. In a statement, he formally announced he would no longer serve as an adviser to Trump.

Russia interfered in presidential election: US intelligence chief

Washington, Jan 6 – The US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper has said Russia staged cyber attacks to try to interfere in the November 8 presidential election. A report containing declassified information on the Russian hacking operation would be released next week, Clapper said during an appearance before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday, Efe news reported.

Namechecked by Obama, gay ex-Navy officer joins race to revive Democrats

Washington; The gay, 34-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana – namechecked recently by President Obama – has entered the contest for chairman of the Democratic party, presenting himself as an alternative to the two leading candidates. Warning that beleaguered Democrats can ill afford a replay of their contentious presidential primary in the race to lead the Democratic National Committee, Pete Buttigieg said “this is not a time to relitigate an old battle”.

a Guccifer,a Clinton-tied hacker, doubts FBIa s claims concerning Russian cyber campaign: Report

A self-taught computer hacker convicted of compromising the emails of one of Hillary Clinton’s closest advisers said the White House’s allegations of a Russian-led cyber campaign aimed at the recent U.S. presidential race are overblown. Marcel Lehel Lazar, a Romanian national better known by the alias “Guccifer,” doubts the Obama administration’s claims with respect to Russia’s widely believed meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Fox News reported Wednesday.

Cotton Debunks The ‘Trump Is Great For Russia’ Narrative

Republican Sen. Tom Cotton questioned the widespread talking point that President-elect Donald Trump is the preferred candidate for Russia in a Senate hearing Thursday, pointing to a number of Trump’s proposals that are arguably not in Russia’s interests. “There’s a widespread assumption since the election that Vladimir Putin favored Donald Trump in this election,” Cotton said to intelligence officials testifying about Russia’s meddling during the 2016 U.S. election cycle.

WashPost: Why Isn’t Trump Outraged Over Election Hacking?

The Washington Post called on President-elect Donald Trump and Republicans to stop trying to hush up the truth about the election hacking. “Some Republicans – including President-elect Donald Trump – appear to be entirely unconcerned about the strong evidence that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign in order to create uncertainty in the presidential race, or tilt it toward Mr. Trump,” the Post said in an editorial.

Plans Solidifying for Women’s March on Washington

Demonstrators hold signs during a rally outside Trump Tower in New York on Saturday, Nov. 12, 2016 to protest against President-elect Donald Trump. The Women’s March on Washington , scheduled for the day after Donald Trump is sworn in as president, has secured a permit; Planned Parenthood Federation of America officially signed on as a partner late last month; and Gloria Steinem and Harry Belafonte have been named co-chairs of the march and will serve as the event’s hosts.

Wash. Post Details How WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Went From…

An article from The Washington Post highlighted how conservative media figures who once decried WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as a “deeply flawed individual” are now praising Assange for doing conservatives “a favor.” During the 2016 election, Assange’s WikiLeaks released several batches of stolen emails from Democratic National Committee staff and Hillary Clinton aide John Podesta, sparking a conservative media holiday.

Second Thoughts From a Member of Pantsuit Nation

Full disclosure #1: I am a member of Pantsuit Nation, that Hillary Clinton adoring Facebook group that has, more than anything else in the past few months, served as testimony to the viral power of the internet and the upside to armchair activism. Full disclosure #2: I loved Pantsuit Nation.

After Ripping Wall Street, Trump Taps Insider to Police Industry

Donald Trump ridiculed Wall Street on the campaign trail, and frequently criticized his political opponents for their ties to Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Now, Trump is relying on a lawyer who has spent his career representing financial firms, and has his own close ties to Goldman, to lead Wall Street’s top regulator. Trump will pick Sullivan & Cromwell partner Jay Clayton to run the Securities and Exchange Commission, the president-elect’s transition team said in a statement Wednesday.

The Most Vulnerable NASA Missions Under Trump

About a week before the presidential election, NASA invited reporters to its facility in Greenbelt, Maryland, to look at the observatory it hopes to launch in two years, to a point far beyond Hubble’s orbit, where it will continue that telescope’s search for distant stars and galaxies. Charlie Bolden, the head of the space agency, took questions, including one from a reporter for The Guardian , who asked Bolden whether the program was safe, regardless of the election’s outcome.

Chuck Schumer: Trump opposition leader

Chuck Schumer arrived for his first day as Senate Democratic leader to a large, new Capitol suite still strewn with unpacked boxes. “It’s a little fancier than I’m used to, but it goes with the territory,” Schumer told us, as he sat down for his maiden television interview as the Senate’s top Democrat.

Commentary: So long to dump things politicians said

And while it’s unnerving having an unpredictable motormouth running the show, as we plunge into 2017, we should at least rejoice in having a chance to mothball a lot of ridiculous statements made over the past 12 months by politicians who should have known better. Let’s never hear again the phrase “basket of deplorables,” which Hillary Clinton unfortunately used to describe Donald Trump supporters.

Laurence Fink: The Trillion-Dollar Deadhead

Among the current crop of Wall Street financiers, Laurence “Larry” Fink has received the greatest number of awards and plaudits. He is the CEO and Chairman of BlackRock , the world’s largest multinational investment management corporation.

Reid: FBI director’s letter cost Democrats the election, Senate

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said Monday FBI Director James Comey was “heavily involved as a partisan” in the weeks leading up to the election and that Comey’s actions handed the presidency to Donald Trump. The retiring Nevada Democrat said Democrats “would have won the majority in the Senate and would have won the presidency but for Comey.”

Entrepreneurship at Home and Abroad

Last spring, after ISIS-linked suicide bombers killed thirty-two innocent people in Brussels, NPR’s Dina Temple-Raston interviewed members of the Muslim community in that city and discovered something fascinating. The main suspects in the bombings were from Moroccan immigrant families, as are most of 500-plus Belgians who have traveled to Syria.

The Latest: Official says intel community ready for Trump

A U.S. official says there has been no delay in the intelligence community’s plans to brief President-elect Donald Trump on Russian interference in the 2016 election. The official says the intelligence community was confused by Trump’s tweet Tuesday saying the briefing had been delayed until Friday.