WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange interviewed on a Hannitya

During the hour, Assange insists the Russian government was not his source for the hacked emails he released from the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. In the interview, Assange argues that the Obama administration has pushed the narrative of Russia meddling in the U.S. election to delegitimize President-elect Donald Trump.

Obama’s Failed Presidencyby Conrad BlackLike most people, I had hoped …

We have been denied that, not by the candidates, who have been dignified, but by the outgoing administration. I have written here and elsewhere before that this has been the most incompetent administration since James Buchanan brought on the Civil War, but I had not realized how the immunity to severe criticism afforded President Obama, because of his pigmentation, had been allowed to disguise how inept this administration has been, how authoritarian and sleazy, and how the president’s demiurgic vanity has gone almost unnoticed as the toadies and bootlickers like Tom Friedman and David Remnick went into overdrive.

Unions Facing the Trump Era

Beginning in 1979 in Seattle, WA, Jim Levitt expertly fabricated custom aircraft parts and tools, helping make the Boeing Company one of the most successful businesses in the world. But in 2013, corporate executives issued a threat: They demanded that Levitt and his fellow machinists surrender their pensions, and that Washington State political leaders hand over a record $8.7 billion in tax benefits.

Bruce Springsteen questions Trump’s competence for office

In this Nov. 7, 2016, file photo Bruce Springsteen performs during a Hillary Clinton campaign event at Independence Mall in Philadelphia. During an interview on Marc Maron’s “WTF” podcast released Monday, Jan. 2, 2016, Bruce Springsteen questioned whether President-elect Donald Trump “is simply competent enough to do this particular this particular job.”

Power firm quashes reports of US grid breached by Russian hackers

A US power utility company confirms that the US power grid was not breached by Russian hackers as reported by some US media An electrical power company in Burlington, Vermont has quashed reports that the US power grid was breached by Russian cyber attackers. According to its website, the Burlington Electric Department scanned its systems in response to an alert by the Department of Homeland Security about Russian malware dubbed Grizzly Steppe.

No proof Russian hacking influenced US election: Trump spokesman

No evidence has emerged to suggest Russian hacking influenced the outcome of the U.S. presidential election and it would be irresponsible to jump to conclusions before receiving a final intelligence report, Donald Trump’s spokesman said on Monday. Chief Strategist & Communications Director for the Republican National Committee Sean Spicer arrives in the lobby of Republican president-elect Donald Trump’s Trump Tower in New York, New York, U.S. November 14, 2016.

AP Lists Its Top Global Business News Stories

AP LISTS ITS TOP GLOBAL BUSINESS NEWS STORIES Jan. 3, 2017 AP reports: Globalization, the path that the world economy has largely followed for decades, took some hefty blows in 2016. The election of Donald Trump as U.S. president and Britain’s decision to leave the European Union have raised questions over the future of tariff-free trade and companies’ freedom to move production to lower-cost countries.

Stardust and dirt

Alec Baldwin , as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, and Kate McKinnon, as Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, delivered election laughs on Saturday Night live. Brangelina broke up.

Opinion: A ‘precap’ for 2017

Jan. 20 – Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts looks on as Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey administers a 140-character version of the oath of office to the nation’s 45th president. Mar. 22 – CNN expands its roster of paid Trump apologists to include David Buono, the head golf professional at Mar-a-Lago.

Youngstown CEO to host presidential party

A Valley businessman is invited to take part in President Elect Donald Trump’s inauguration festivities in Washington D.C. After Trump takes his oath on Jan. 20, Bruce Zoldan, CEO and president of Phantom Fireworks, will be ready to party with the president. Zoldan also mentioned tweets from both Trump and his wife Melania Trump about how excited they are about the party.

Arnold Schwarzenegger reveals his New Celebrity Apprentice catchphrase

The post-Donald Trump era of NBC’s Celebrity Apprentice has arrived, and with it the debut of new host Arnold Schwarzenegger’s catchphrase for firing contestants in the climactic boardroom showdown segment. NBC’s The Apprentice franchise has taken on heightened significance in pop culture because it proved to be the vehicle that president-elect Trump used to establish himself as a household name, paving the way for his convention-busting political career.

Zero Self-Awareness: Chuck Todd WhacksTrump s Concierge Media Friends

On NBCA s Meet the Press on Sunday, Chuck Todd devoted a whole hour to analyzing Trump vs. the Press, but he worked energetically to avoid the notion the media lost trust because itA s seen as part of the Democratic National Machine. There were no questions about whether they failed in being too soft on Hillary Clinton, because they never think theyA ve been too soft on Democrats.

Zero Self-Awareness: Chuck Todd Whacks Trump’s ‘Concierge Media Friends’

On NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday, Chuck Todd devoted a whole hour to analyzing Trump vs. the Press, but he worked energetically to avoid the notion the media lost trust because it’s seen as part of the Democratic National Machine. There were no questions about whether they failed in being too soft on Hillary Clinton, because they never think they’ve been too soft on Democrats.

Next 25 Articles

LOS ANGELES- No, Los Angeles residents, it wasn’t your hangovers playing tricks on you. The Hollywood sign really did read “HOLLYWeeD” for a few hours on New Year’s Day.

Birds of a feather

Anyone who has seen those election maps broken down by counties can see how geographically concentrated Democratic voters are, much to their party’s electoral disadvantage–once you move past narrow bands on the east and west coasts, there is a vast sea of red in between. Except for two kinds of blue pinpricks–the densely populated inner cities of Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, etc ., and the counties in which large universities are located.

Birds of a feather

Anyone who has seen those election maps broken down by counties can see how geographically concentrated Democratic voters are, much to their party’s electoral disadvantage–once you move past narrow bands on the east and west coasts, there is a vast sea of red in between. Except for two kinds of blue pinpricks–the densely populated inner cities of Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, etc ., and the counties in which large universities are located.

Politicians said a lot of dumb things in ’16

As we plunge into 2017, we should at least rejoice in having a chance to mothball a lot of ridiculous statements made over the past 12 months by politicians who should have known better. Let’s never hear again the phrase “basket of deplorables,” which Hillary Clinton unfortunately used to describe Donald Trump supporters.

Then came Trump

In the still sweet morning of December 26, people start preparing for the next blast of holiday cheer. Happy New Year!!! The Progressives from George Read-My-Lips Bush through the Clinton Inter-Lewd, George Endless-Wars-For-Peace Bush, and Barack the Destroyer managed to turn Ronaldus Magnus’ Morning in America into Mourning in America.

Today in History

In 1893, the U.S. Postal Service issued its first commemorative stamp to honor the World’s Columbian Expedition and the quadricentennial of Christopher Columbus’ voyage. In 1921, religious services were broadcast on radio for the first time as KDKA in Pittsburgh aired the regular Sunday service of the city’s Calvary Episcopal Church.

Obama Using Russia as Cudgel Against Trump

The Republican establishment is being stampeded by the Obama Administration into unwittingly supporting the false narrative that “Russia hacked the elections” – and therefore President-elect Trump’s victory is illegitimate. By extension, Republican victories from Trump’s “coattails” in the Senate and House are also illegitimate, an argument the Left and their media allies are also sure to make.

Trump promises big reveal on Russian hacks this week

Sean Spicer, President-elect Donald Trump’s press secretary, batted away questions on ABC’s “This Week” about the supposed intervention of Russia in the presidential election by arguing that the current focus should be on the conduct of Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential campaign. “Why aren’t we talking about the other influences on the election? Why aren’t we talking about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions ahead of time?” Spicer said.

Get Used To It

Given the high degree of partisan divide following the US election, a discomfiting fact is that Donald Trump is likely to espouse many responsible positions in his role as president, even if he can’t make the case for them himself. This confusing state of affairs has not become obvious yet.

Obama sanctions Russia for U.S. election meddling

PanARMENIAN.Net – President Barack Obama on Thursday, December 29 unleashed a barrage of retaliatory measures against Moscow for meddling in the U.S.election, imposing sanctions on two intelligence agencies, expelling 35 agents and shuttering two Russian compounds inside the United States, AFP reports. Making good on a promise to punish Vladimir Putin’s government for allegedly trying to tilt the 2016 election in Donald Trump’s favor, Obama unveiled a broad range of steps that will inflame tensions with both Moscow and the president-elect.

Trump pledges to meet U.S. spy chiefs for Russian hacking facts

PanARMENIAN.Net – U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday, December 29 responded to a slew of U.S. election related sanctions against Russia with a call for the country to “move on” and a conciliatory pledge to meet U.S. spy chiefs he has harshly criticized, AFP says. “It’s time for our country to move on to bigger and better things,” Trump said, echoing previous prickly reactions to allegations his November win over Hillary Clinton was somehow tainted by Russian interference.

2017: Staten Island’s future begins now

It all starts with the new American president. Republican Donald Trump is set to take the oath of office as the nation’s 45th chief executive in a couple of weeks, the first time we’ve had a new occupant of the Oval Office since 2009.

Not so predictable

A year ago, I wrote a prediction column for 2016 full of myself and greatly detailed scenarios. I was so proud of my concocted narratives that I encouraged readers to clip or save the column to their desktops for later reference.