Snap’s First Buy Rating Is Bizarre

Monness Crespi Hardt analystJames Cakmak is the first to give Snap such a rating , and Cakmak has assigned a $25 price target on shares. That's about 20% higher than current prices, which are hovering right around $20 as of this writing, and comparable to the $24 that Snap opened at on its first public trading day.


The idea is to provide Sprint customers with exclusive content that's only available on Tidal. In early 2015, Sprint had discussions with Tidal about a potential partnership, but did not make an investment at that time.

Nintendoa s weird and wonderful Switch console may be a hard sell for some

An attendee plays the "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" video game on the Switch during an unveiling event in Tokyo on Jan. 13. Nintendo's new machine, a tablet-sized device with wireless controllers that can be used anywhere but also connects to TVs, will go on sale March 3 at a price of $300, with a brand-new Zelda game as its launch title. Photographer: Kiyoshi Ota/Bloomberg Nintendo's new Switch console is an odd gadget.

‘Strange Inheritance’ Goes Global in New Season 3

FOX Business Network's hit series Strange Inheritance, hosted by Jamie Colby, is back with all new episodes for season 3. The new season takes you on an adventure of discovery through 37 U.S. cities and across the Atlantic Ocean into the United Kingdom. "More than a third of the stories in our 28 episodes coming in season 3 came from you guys, the viewers, and I love showing up at your house.