Tourists invade Chappaqua in search of the elusive Clinton

CHAPPAQUA, NEW YORK - Since her election loss, the stores and hiking trails near Hillary Clinton's home have turned into popular tourist spots for her supporters. Some Twitter users have turned the phenomenon into a game, asking "How long do you think you'd have to hike outside Chappaqua before you bumped into Hillary Clinton?" Since, selfie-hungry fans have made running into Clinton a goal - it's basically Pokemon: Go, but without the Poke Balls and trainer battles.

Tourists invade Chappaqua in search of the elusive Clinton

CHAPPAQUA, NEW YORK - Since her election loss, the stores and hiking trails near Hillary Clinton's home have turned into popular tourist spots for her supporters. Some Twitter users have turned the phenomenon into a game, asking "How long do you think you'd have to hike outside Chappaqua before you bumped into Hillary Clinton?" Since, selfie-hungry fans have made running into Clinton a goal - it's basically Pokemon: Go, but without the Poke Balls and trainer battles.