The Bonnie Brae Inn Property Bought by the Pelham Country Club in 1920

There once stood on Boston Post Road in Pelham Manor and New Rochelle a beautiful tract of land with a lovely home known as "Bonnie Brae." Indeed, as you leave Pelham Manor and enter New Rochelle via Boston Post Road, if you look to the right near the bus stop, two large rough stone columns that once were part of the estate still stand -- the only reminders of what once was.

The Bonnie Brae Inn Property Bought by the Pelham Country Club in 1920

There once stood on Boston Post Road in Pelham Manor and New Rochelle a beautiful tract of land with a lovely home known as "Bonnie Brae." Indeed, as you leave Pelham Manor and enter New Rochelle via Boston Post Road, if you look to the right near the bus stop, two large rough stone columns that once were part of the estate still stand -- the only reminders of what once was.