Here Are Safety Tips For Deer Vs. Car Collision Season, Pelham

Hudson Valley residents should be on the lookout for deer when driving, especially at night as their breeding season is underway and makes them more active. According to the National Highway Safety Administration, deer collisions are most likely to occur during deer breeding season - from October through early January, at dawn and from dusk to late evening.

More on the 1889 Fire that Destroyed the Hunter House on Travers Island

When the New York Athletic Club of New York City bought the island it renamed "Travers Island" in Pelham Manor, there stood on the island a beautiful old home known as the "Old Hunter House." Named after John Hunter of Hunter's Island who had remodeled and improved the home during the mid-19th century, the main portion of the home was said to have been built in 1812 for Temple Emmett, a member of the Emmett Family that long resided in the area.