Pelham’s Picture House Hosts Advance Screening of ‘The Sense of an Ending’

The Picture House Regional Film Center in Pelham will present an advance screening of the new film "The Sense of an Ending" on Tuesday, Feb. 28, with a post-film Q&A with director Ritesh Batra. Adapted from the Booker Prize-winning novel by Julian Barnes, "The Sense of an Ending" tells the story of Tony Webster , divorced and retired, who leads a reclusive and relatively quiet life.

Brief History of the Pelham Park and City Island Railway

The archives of the University of Michigan contain a bound typewritten manuscript entitled "Toonervilles of the Empire State" by Felix E. Reifschneider, prepared in 1947. Among the fascinating summaries of tiny railroads and trolley lines that once crossed communities throughout the State of New York is a summary of the history of the Pelham Park and City Island Railway.