Headline Override

The village of Tarrytown is set to move forward with a new village administrator after Michael Blau, the man who most recently held the position, announced his retirement , according to lohud.com. Tarrytown officials didn't have to go too far to find Blau's replacement, opting to bring in Mamaroneck village Administrator Richard Slingerland to fill the position, according to lohud.com, which reported that Blau had served the role in Tarrytown for more than 17 years.

Stormy Weather Pattern Could Bring Heavy Snow To Tarrytown, Sleepy Hollow

Hudson Valley residents who enjoyed the mildest January in more than 10 years could soon be seeing a heavy dose of winter weather -- and some significant snowstorms -- in February. The longterm forecast comes just as Punxsutawney Phil saw his own shadow during the annual Groundhog Day ritual on Thursday, meaning, according to tradition at least, we're in for six more weeks of cold weather and snow.