Orange County signed a three-year contract worth almost $11 million in 2014 with Quality Choice Correctional Healthcare, a Westchester County company that was hired to provide medical care to the county’s jail inmates and that had former New York Rangers hockey star Ron Greschner as its unlikely frontman.
Day: March 5, 2017
New York Will Offer $2,000 If You Buy an Electric Car
… April 1. “We want to make electric vehicles a mainstream option,” said state Assemblywoman Amy Paulin, a Westchester County Democrat who leads the Assembly energy committee. “They are becoming more affordable and we need to encourage them.”
FCC issues waiver for anonymous threats to Jewish centers
… made to Jewish centers in 11 states across the country, including centers in Plainview, Staten Island and Westchester County. With the waiver, the phone numbers of callers who have their numbers blocked can be unscrambled so they can be read. “This …
New York City Rare Bird Alert
Below is the New York City Rare Bird Alert for the week ending Friday, March 3, 2017: – RBA * New York * New York City, Long Island, Westchester County * Mar. 3, 2017 * NYNY1703.03 – Birds mentioned TOWNSEND’S SOLITAIRE+ YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRD+ ROSS’S GOOSE KING EIDER HARLEQUIN DUCK BARROW’S GOLDENEYE EARED GREBE Osprey Northern Goshawk SANDHILL CRANE American Woodcock Razorbill BLACK-HEADED GULL Iceland Gull GLAUCOUS GULL Red-headed Woodpecker Eastern Phoebe Tree Swallow LAPLAND LONGSPUR – Transcript If followed by please submit documentation of your report electronically and use the NYSARC online submission form found at You can also send reports and digital image files via email to nysarc44 nybirds{dot}org.
Buying Electric Vehicles In New York Might Get Cheaper Soon
… are becoming more affordable and we need to encourage them,” New York state Assemblywoman Amy Paulin, a Westchester County Democrat leading the Assembly energy committee told the Associated Press (AP) on Friday. According to a November 2016 study by …