A drilling operation is pictured near Weld County Road 5 and Colo. 66 between Longmont and Mead on Feb. 14. Longmont City Council members voted 5-2 on Tuesday night to state their opposition to a proposed Colorado law that would make local governments liable for paying oil and gas mineral rights holders who lose income because of bans on local hydraulic – or “fracking” – or oil and gas moratoriums.
Day: February 22, 2017
Hill staff craves direction from Trump White House
Republican congressional aides charged with speaking for their bosses are hopeful that President Trump ‘s new communications director will help keep the Hill better informed about White House policy decisions, after a month of what many described as an almost total lack of coordination. After catching Republican lawmakers off guard with a controversial weekend immigration order that has since been struck down by a panel of federal judges, the Trump administration is trying to give key lawmakers a heads up about executive orders now, the press secretary said.