Spirit Airlines to further reduce size of overhead cabin

According to the Independent , the airline is preparing to cut the space allotted for travelers’ free carry-on bag. Starting April 4, the volume allotted to qualify under the airlines “Bare Fare” policy will decrease by a quarter– from 2,688 to 2,016 cubic inches Under the carrier’s current bag policy, one item is included in the basic fare but now the size of passengers’ items will need to comply with new standards.

House GOP aims to scrap Obama rule on gun background checks

The Republican-controlled House on Thursday took its first steps toward strengthening gun ownership under President Donald Trump, moving to scrap a regulation that provides background checks for disabled Social Security recipients mentally incapable of managing their own affairs. The regulation, issued in the final months of President Barack Obama’s term, is one of a handful congressional Republicans are rolling back, knowing they have a new ally in the White House.

GOP senators suspend committee rules, move Trump EPA pick ahead as Democrats boycott vote

In this Jan. 18, 2017, file photo, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, President Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Environmental Protection Agency, testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. Republicans voted Feb. 2, 2017, to send to the full Senate the nomination of Pruitt to lead the EPA.

The Latest: Trump looking to ‘re-doing’ NAFTA

President Donald Trump says he’s looking at “re-doing” the North American Free Trade Agreement, which he says has been a “catastrophe for our county.” The president made the comments in a pair of meetings Thursday with lawmakers and employees from the Harley-Davidson motorcycle company.

Trump puts Iran ‘on notice’ after ballistic missile test

President Donald Trump said Thursday his administration has put Iran “on notice,” echoing comments from his top national security adviser that the U.S. will act against Iran unless it stops testing ballistic missiles and supporting Houthi rebels in Yemen. Trump and his national security adviser, Michael Flynn, didn’t elaborate on what retaliatory actions the U.S. could pursue.

Trump at National Prayer Breakfast: ‘Pray for Arnold’

President Donald Trump veered off script at the start of the National Prayer Breakfast Thursday when he asked a room full of lawmakers, foreign dignitaries and religious leaders to pray for Arnold Schwarzenegger so that ratings of his show — NBC’s “The Apprentice” — would go up. Trump, who lauded the six-decade long traditional gathering as a “testament to the power of faith” was introduced by Mark Burnett, the television producer who teamed up with Trump to create “The Apprentice.”

Trump and Malcolm Turnbull’s bust-up could weaken alliance

Is this the biggest ever bust-up between a US president and an Australian prime minister? Explosive phone call between Donald Trump and Malcolm Turnbull casts doubt on decades of friendship between allies Donald Trump’s presidency is barely two weeks old, but already his relationship with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull appears to be on the rocks. Trump is said to have slammed Turnbull over a deal agreed with Barack Obama that would see 1,250 refugees from Manus Island and Nauru sent to the US.

House Dems Plan Protest During Trump’s Speech to Congress

House Democrats are changing tactics from their boycott on Inauguration Day and are now plotting not just to attend President Trump’s speech to a joint session of Congress on Feb. 28th, but to invite guests they believe will make the president most uncomfortable. In a letter circulating on Capitol Hill, a group of liberals is urging fellow Democrats to bring guests who have made “a positive impact” on the community “despite discrimination or marginalization.”

VP Pence may have to break tie to get deVos confirmed

Republican Senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins each came out Wednesday against Betsy de Vos, President Trump’s pick to head the Education Department The billionaire GOP megadonor has been a major supporter of private school education vouchers and flubbed questions at her confirmation hearing The GOP opponents are not filibustering the nomination, which would allow it to go forward on a simple majority vote Vice President Mike Pence may need to cast the deciding vote in order to confirm the nomination of Betsy deVos, President Trump’s pick to run the Education Department.

American Indian activist arrested in pipeline protest

In this Dec. 3, 2016, file photo, law enforcement vehicles line a road leading to a blocked bridge next to the Oceti Sakowin camp where people have gathered to protest the Dakota Access oil pipeline in Cannon Ball, N.D. North Dakota Sen. John Hoeven said Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2017, that the Acting Secretary of the Army has directed the Army Corps of Engineers to proceed with an easement necessary to complete the Dakota Access pipeline.

Skoal recall tobacco can after metal objects are found

Chicago high school football team is sued over sick alleged hazing of new players who were ‘sodomized with broomsticks, urinated on and forced to perform oral sex in the locker room’ Mike Pence may have to cast tie-breaking Senate vote to get controversial education pick Betsy deVos confirmed after two Republicans say they won’t support her Some varieties of Skoal, Copenhagen, Cope and Husky brand smokeless tobacco are being voluntarily recalled amid complaints of metal objects, some of them sharp, being spotted in dozens of cans. All of the recalled products were manufactured at US Smokeless Tobacco Company’s facility in Franklin Park, Illinois, and distributed nationally, according to the FDA.

Ted Cruz has $4.2 million for 2018 re-election campaign

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz talks with Sen. John Cornyn and Brooke Rollins, president and CEO of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, during a TPPF Orientation conference on January 13, 2017 at the Sheraton Hotel in Austin. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz , R-Texas, has $4.2 million cash on hand as he prepares for a potentially competitive re-election race in 2018.

F-MCCa s Barto Lecture Series welcomes: Rosa Clemente

On Tuesday, Feb. 7, Fulton-Montgomery Community College’s Barto Lecture Series, in conjunction with Student Activities Board, will host guest speaker Rosa Clemente speaking on “Politics in Our Time.” Clemente, a native of the South Bronx, has spent her life dedicated to scholar activism.

‘Sharkwater’ Director Goes…

Authorities are searching for a Canadian documentary filmmaker who went missing this week while scuba diving near the Florida Keys, the U.S. Coast Guard said Wednesday. Rob Stewart, 37, the director of the award-winning film Sharkwater , disappeared Tuesday afternoon as he was working on the film’s sequel, Sharkwater Extinction , his friends told ABC affiliate WPLG-TV.

‘Sharkwater’ Director Goes Missing, Last Seen Diving Off Florida Keys

Authorities are searching for a Canadian documentary filmmaker who went missing this week while scuba diving near the Florida Keys, the U.S. Coast Guard said Wed… – President Donald Trump took to Twitter Wednesday night to slam a deal the U.S. forged with Australia during the Obama administration last year to resettle… The Nebraska State Fair is throwing a birthday party for the State that it showcases every year. With a focus on agriculture, education, Nebraska families, fun and statewid… LAWRENCE, Kan.

Your Body: Getting By with Help from Your Friends

Authorities are searching for a Canadian documentary filmmaker who went missing this week while scuba diving near the Florida Keys, the U.S. Coast Guard said Wed… – President Donald Trump took to Twitter Wednesday night to slam a deal the U.S. forged with Australia during the Obama administration last year to resettle… The Nebraska State Fair is throwing a birthday party for the State that it showcases every year. With a focus on agriculture, education, Nebraska families, fun and statewid… LAWRENCE, Kan.

The Staggering Amounts of Food Eaten on Super Bowl Sunday

Authorities are searching for a Canadian documentary filmmaker who went missing this week while scuba diving near the Florida Keys, the U.S. Coast Guard said Wed… – President Donald Trump took to Twitter Wednesday night to slam a deal the U.S. forged with Australia during the Obama administration last year to resettle… The Nebraska State Fair is throwing a birthday party for the State that it showcases every year. With a focus on agriculture, education, Nebraska families, fun and statewid… LAWRENCE, Kan.

Czech ministry suffered cyber-attack possibly from foreign state

Hackers possibly working for a foreign state breached the e-mail accounts of dozens of employees of the Czech Foreign Ministry in a cyber-attack similar to that conducted against the U.S. Democratic Party, the country’s top diplomat said. No classified data was stolen during the attacks, which took several weeks, Foreign Minister Lubomir Zaoralek said Tuesday.

Facebook, Microsoft said to circulate immigration open letter

U.S. companies including Facebook Inc., Microsoft Corp., Google, Apple Inc. and Amazon.com Inc. are circulating an open letter to President Donald Trump expressing concern about his recent order on immigration and offering help fixing it and other policies, according to people familiar with the plan. Other companies involved include firms in finance, manufacturing, energy and consumer goods sectors.

Trump slams ‘dumb’ refugee deal with Australia, allegedly hangs up on PM Turnbull

Australia’s prime minister insisted Thursday that a deal struck with the Obama administration that would allow mostly Muslim refugees rejected by Australia to be resettled in the United States was still on, despite President Donald Trump dubbing the agreement “dumb” and vowing to review it. The conflicting messages came hours after The Washington Post published a story detailing a tense exchange between Trump and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during their first telephone call as national leaders.

Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill among 20 nationally to support SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch

Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill is among a group of 20 attorneys general voicing their support of President Trump’s nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch. Morrisey’s office said in a news release that the group sent a letter of support Wednesday to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Sen. Patrick Leahy, ranking member of the Judiciary Committee.

Corrie viewers spot a major blunder with an empty bottle

Elite California school forced to cancel speech by right-wing firebrand Milo Yiannopoulos as students shoot fireworks at cops, tear down barricades and set the campus ablaze in protest Former US serviceman who shot and killed a Denver transit officer was a ‘radical Muslim who had jihadist material in his backpack’ and had recently been kicked out of a mosque Emma Stone’s personal trainer reveals how YOU can get her toned abs, arms and legs – with these simple tips Pair arrested in London over crippling cyber attack on Washington DC’s CCTV network just days before Trump was sworn in as president F-16 jet pilot accidentally kills civilian and injures Air Force service member by releasing munitions during training exercise on New Mexico military range Mother-of-one teacher, 28, at school for children with behavior problems ‘had an eight-month affair with a student, 16, and said she was her … (more)

Trump bashes ‘very bad’ U.S.-Australian refugee deal

Trump also told Turnbull he had spoken with four other world leaders that day and that “this was the worst call by far,” the Washington Post reported. Trump bashes ‘very bad’ U.S.-Australian refugee deal Trump also told Turnbull he had spoken with four other world leaders that day and that “this was the worst call by far,” the Washington Post reported.

The Latest: Charter school backer seeks rejection of DeVos

Billionaire philanthropist and public education backer Eli Brown is urging senators to vote against President Donald Trump’s pick for education secretary, Betsy DeVos, saying she is “unprepared and unqualified for the position.” Brown writes in a letter to senators that if DeVos were confirmed, “much of the good work that has been accomplished to improve public education for all of America’s children could be undone.”

Trump’s White House not yet open for tours

Nearly two weeks after his inauguration, President Donald Trump’s White House isn’t yet open to the public for tours. The administration hasn’t appointed anyone to run the White House Visitors Office, which organizes tours and major events such as the Easter Egg Roll and the lighting of the National Christmas Tree.

Going rogue: Bureaucrats find ways to resist Trump

The pitched resistance to the Trump administration’s early onslaught of executive actions and controversial Cabinet nominations has increasingly come to be defined and inspired by a coalition of the unassuming – bureaucrats and mostly anonymous civil servants. For the first time in more than a decade, Democrats in Washington are the minority party in both chambers of Congress with no White House to push back on or reject the Republican agenda.