Trump, Putin to speak amid GOP concerns on sanctions

President Donald Trump’s first conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin since taking office is sparking concern among European allies and his own Republican Party about the future of U.S. sanctions on Moscow. Ahead of the call planned for Saturday, Trump was noncommittal about whether he was considering lifting the economic penalties.

U.S. Secretary of State nominee supports peaceful settlement in Artsakh

PanARMENIAN.Net – A nominee for the post of the U.S. Department of State, Rex Tillerson has expressed support for the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. As previously reported by the Armenian Assembly of America , the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved President Donald Trump ‘s Secretary of State nomination of Tillerson, and is currently awaiting approval by the full Senate.

US suspends immigration program helping non-Muslim Iranians

Many citizens of Muslim-majority countries affected by Pres… Ken Hartle, who as a Navy diver during World War II had the grim task of retrieving bodies from ships sunk by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor, has died Ken Hartle, who as a Navy diver during World War II had the grim task of retrieving bodies from ships sunk by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor, has died The March for Life has become a familiar ritual in Washington after more than four decades, but this year, abortion opponents have political momentum on their side The March for Life has become a familiar ritual in Washington after more than four decades, but this year, abortion opponents have political momentum on their side Far from the cacophony enveloping Washington in Trump’s first week in office, the Iowa voters who helped him capture the state and the presidency last November give the president high marks for reversing … (more)

On a busy Saturday, Trump to call world leaders and sign more orders

On a busy Saturday, Trump to call world leaders and sign more orders The Saturday schedule follows a dizzying nine days of action from the new president. Check out this story on WASHINGTON – Saturday is a full working day in the White House, with President Trump scheduled to make a round of phone calls to world leaders and sign more executive orders.

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Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes.But according… Send a letter to U.S. Senators: Block Jeff Sessions’ appointment as Attorney General. **NOTE: THE FORM LETTER IS BLANK.

John Hurt, RIP

John Hurt has long been among my favorite actors. The last movie I watched was actually a movie I re -watched: V for Vendetta I enjoyed Hurt in The Elephant Man, Alien, Midnight Express, and the Harry Potter movies.

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Next 25 Articles

U.S. President Donald Trump plans to sign an executive action on Friday temporarily halting the flow of refugees into the United Sates and stopping all entries from some majority-Muslim nations, his spokesman said, according to The Associated Press. A draft of the order obtained by the news agency also includes an indefinite ban on accepting Syrian refugees, and the pause in the broader refugee program extends for 120 days.

Trump orders strict new refugee screening, citing terrorists

President Donald Trump on Friday barred all refugees from entering the United States for four months – and those from war-ravaged Syria indefinitely – declaring the ban necessary to prevent “radical Islamic terrorists” from entering the nation. The order immediately suspended a program that last year resettled to the U.S. roughly 85,000 people displaced by war, political oppression, hunger and religious prejudice.

Top Cop Appeared Dazed, Goes To Hospital

During a press conference on Chicago’s South Side this morning, Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson appeared with Mayor Rahm Emanuel to announce new crime fighting tools, but the press conference came to a unexpected end when Johnson appeared to lose his balance while standing next to Emanuel. A police spokesman says the superintendent became light-headed but did not loose consciousness.

Trump’s unpredictability already troubles U.S. friends

President Donald Trump’s “America First” rhetoric and confrontational negotiating style have sparked frantic calls to the White House and Congress from diplomats and lobbyists concerned that the United States no longer has their back. When word swirled through Washington on Thursday that Trump might be preparing to ease U.S. sanctions on Russia, worried European diplomats began calling the National Security Council and asking if the rumors were true, said a former U.S. official familiar with the situation.

Pearl Harbor Navy salvage diver dies at 103

Ken Hartle, who as a Navy diver during World War II had the grim task of retrieving bodies from ships sunk by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor, has died Ken Hartle, who as a Navy diver during World War II had the grim task of retrieving bodies from ships sunk by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor, has died Los Angeles County authorities say they’ve solved the 1976 rape and killing of the ex-wife of Righteous Brothers singer Bill Medley Los Angeles County authorities say they’ve solved the 1976 rape and killing of the ex-wife of Righteous Brothers singer Bill Medley A family spokeswoman says that Barbara Hale, the actress who played steadfast secretary Della Street on “Perry Mason,” has died at the age of 94. Hale appeared in the courtroom drama on CBS from 1957 to 1966 and… A family spokeswoman says that Barbara Hale, who played steadfast secretary Della Street on “Perry Mason,” has died at the … (more)

Trump acts to curb Islamic terrorism: 10 points

US President Donald Trump on Friday put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred visitors from Syria and six other Muslim-majority countries, saying the moves would help protect Americans from terrorist attacks. While Trump’s supporters hailed the decision, it has been soundly criticized by civil rights groups.

Japan should push for Asian cooperation in absence of effort by Trump, expert says

With U.S. President Donald Trump apparently paying little attention to regional order in Asia, Japan should push for cooperation with its neighbors to foster long-term coexistence with a rising China, according to a Japanese expert on international relations. Trump’s apparent indifference to Asia has triggered concern in the region, but the birth of the Trump administration “should rather be taken as an opportunity for Asian countries to think about regional order by themselves,” said Yoshihide Soeya, professor at Keio University, in a recent interview.

U.S. brings charges over Ponzi scheme, ‘Hamilton’ tickets fraud

U.S. authorities on Friday unveiled criminal charges against two men accused of helping operate a hedge fund as a Ponzi scheme and of swindling investors in a ticket-reselling business for popular events, including the smash Broadway musical “Hamilton.” Joseph Meli, who ran the ticket business, and Steven Simmons, the head of an alternative investments at Sideris Capital Partners, were arrested on Friday on securities fraud and wire fraud charges brought by Manhattan federal prosecutors.

Trump signs order to bar some refugees; signals prioritizing Syrian Christians

President Donald Trump on Friday signed an executive order that will limit immigration and refugees from some Muslim-majority countries and he separately said he wanted the United States to give priority to Syrian Christians fleeing the civil war there. Trump had promised the measures, called “extreme vetting,” during last year’s election campaign, saying they would prevent militants from entering the United States from abroad.

U.S. judge blocks Texas regulations for fetal tissue remains

A U.S. judge in Texas on Friday halted Texas regulations that would require abortion providers to dispose of aborted fetal tissue through burial or cremation, saying the rules imposed “undue burdens on a woman’s right to seek a previability abortion.” U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks issued an injunction that will stay in effect until the court can render “a meaningful decision on the merits” of the case, online court documents showed.

FBI probes threat to ‘blow up’ Denver-area refugee center

Anonymous notes threatening to “blow up” a refugee community center catering mainly to Muslim immigrants were found at the Denver-area building, prompting a hate-crime investigation by the FBI, police said on Friday. The two identical, typewritten notes were left on Thursday in the parking lot and stairwell of the Mango House in the Denver suburb of Aurora, both with the message: “WERE GONNA BLOW UP ALL OF YOU REFUGEES,” according to police spokesman Sergeant Chris Amsler.

Federal judge again blocks Texas fetal remains rules

A federal judge late Friday again blocked Texas rules mandating burial or cremation of fetal remains, in a victory for abortion rights groups. Austin-based U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks said that the health department regulations would remain suspended until further notice and that a trial date would be set in coming weeks.

Trump orders strict new refugee screening, citing terrorists

Setting a hard-line tone on national security, President Donald Trump on Friday ordered strict new screening for refugees to keep “radical Islamic terrorists” out of the United States and alternated tough talk with kind words in his diplomatic standoff with Mexico. Trump travelled to the Pentagon where he joined Defence Secretary James Mattis for the signing of an executive action to bring sweeping changes to the nation’s refugee policies and put in motion his plans to build up the nation’s military.

Spokesman: Chicago police chief has chronic “kidney problem’

Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi disclosed on Friday that Superintendent Eddie Johnson has a “longstanding kidney issue,” but said it was not the cause of an episode of dizziness during a news conference about the city’s campaign against gang and gun violence. Guglielmi was responding to reports in the Chicago Sun-Times and other media that Johnson, 57, had kidney problems.

The Latest: Superintendent’s illness unrelated to kidney

In this photo taken from video, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, left, hands a bottle of water to Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson after Johnson became wobbly during a news conference Friday, Jan. 27, 2017 in Chicago. The Chicago Sun-Times reports that there were requests for candy for Johnson as he fell ill.

Secret Service Places Agent on Paid Leave for Saying She’d Take Jail Over a Bullet for Trump

The Facebook post was dug up this week and reveals that the 23-year veteran of the Secret Service was a strong Hillary Clinton supporter during the campaign and said that she didn’t care about the Hatch Act, which bans agents from publicly advocating for a political party or candidate. The director of the agency, Joseph Clancy , sent an email to employees last night informing them that the Office of Professional Responsibility was looking into the issue and to please have patience during the investigation.

Sen. Marco Rubio talks citrus in Immokalee

Sen. Marco Rubio met with with members of the Gulf Citrus Growers Association at the UF/IFAS Southwest Florida Research and Education Center on Friday. Citrus farmers across the state have lost 500,000 acres of orange groves to citrus greening, a disease killing local crops.

Two Florida ports cancel plans to ink pacts with Cuba

Florida Gov. Rick Scott speaks at a press conference about the Zika virus in Doral, Florida, U.S. August 4, 2016. Two Florida ports have canceled plans to sign cooperation pacts with Communist-ruled Cuba after state Governor Rick Scott threatened to cancel their funding if they did business with the “Cuban dictatorship.”

Rep. Franks: If Trump Holds Pro-life Course, He’ll Be – An Abraham Lincoln for the Unborn’

Rep. Trent Franks told at the March for Life on Friday that President Donald Trump was “knocking it out of the stadium” as far as pro-life issues go, and that he hopes Trump “keeps marching on and doing what’s right, because if he does, history will see him as kind of an Abraham Lincoln for the unborn.” “Right now the man is knocking it out of the stadium and I am so proud of him,” Franks said, adding that he prays Trump “doesn’t fall prey to the relentless attacks of the left and the pro-abortion groups.