Commentary: Judge’s information questionable

Judge James Robart, of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington State, believes there is no basis for President Trump’s executive order temporarily suspending non-American entry from seven terrorism-plagued countries. In court last week, Robart questioned Justice Department lawyer Michelle Bennett about the administration’s decision to confine the moratorium to Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Sudan, Iraq, and Iran.


Activity is seen outside the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals building in San Francisco on Thursday, Feb. 9, 2017. A federal appeals court refused Thursday to reinstate President Donald Trump’s ban on travelers from seven predo… Lawyers for the state of Virginia are challenging President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration, arguing in federal court that his seven-nation travel ban violates the Constitution and is the result of “animus toward Muslims.”

Is US-Iran relationship heading back into the deep freeze?

Iran will today celebrate the 38th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, an event that still defines the country and its place in the world, as it seeks to assert itself against a more confrontational US administration. After decades in isolation, the Shia theocracy has enjoyed a thawing relationship with the West in the past few years.

Ron Kind, Tim Walz seats being targeted by GOP

La Crosse Congressman Ron Kind is less than two months into his latest term, but his opponents already are trying to make sure it’s his last. House Republicans have targeted 36 Democratic seats it want to win next year – 21 months from now – including the seats of Kind and southern Minnesota’s Tim Walz, according to Politico .

Ohio drillers say 6 shale counties saw $43M tax bump

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Oil-and-gas drillers in Ohio have paid $43 million in property taxes to local governments and schools in six shale counties since 2011, according to a report released Thursday.The finding by the Ohio Oil and Gas Association and Energy In Depth Ohio, a natural-gas research and education group, comes as Republican Gov. John Kasich … (more)

Big utilities try to tilt solar energy market in their favor

INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana’s energy utilities want state lawmakers to pass a law that critics say would muscle out smaller companies from the emerging solar energy market.Solar power provides only about 1 percent of the country’s energy, but it is growing rapidly, with U.S. Energy Department figures showing solar industry employment grew 125 percent … (more)

UK offers teens cybersecurity classes to fight attacks

When a judge who helped derail President Donald Trump’s travel ban was hit with online threats, the abuse raised safety concerns among jurists across the country. When a judge who helped derail President Donald Trump’s travel ban was hit with online threats, the abuse raised safety concerns among jurists across the country.

Appelate court eyes reconsidering Trump travel ban

A federal appeals court in San Francisco that declined to reinstate President Donald Trump’s ban on travel from seven predominantly Muslim countries might take up the issue again at the request of one of its judges. On Thursday, a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously turned down the Trump administration’s bid for an emergency stay of a lower court order suspending the ban.

Democrats seek investigation into national security adviser

Congressional Democrats on Friday called for an investigation into whether White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn discussed U.S. sanctions in phone calls with Russia’s ambassador while President Barack Obama was still in office, conversations that may have broken U.S. law aimed at barring private citizens from conducting diplomacy. The White House said President Donald Trump had “full confidence” in Flynn, a show of support coming as the administration scrambled to manage the fallout from reports that Flynn addressed U.S. sanctions against Russia in a phone call late last year.

Report: Russia considers sending Edward Snowden back to U.S. to ‘curry favor’ with President Trump

Snowden called the NBC News report “irrefutable evidence” that he wasn’t colluding with Russians, despite allegations from the U.S. House of Representatives. Report: Russia considers sending Edward Snowden back to U.S. to ‘curry favor’ with President Trump Snowden called the NBC News report “irrefutable evidence” that he wasn’t colluding with Russians, despite allegations from the U.S. House of Representatives.

EDITORIAL: The rant that failed

The Democrats in the U.S. Senate threw everything they could find at Jeff Sessions, including an occasional kitchen sink, but it was not enough. Rant as they might, the mild-mannered senator from Alabama, was nevertheless confirmed by a vote of 52 to 47. One Democrat, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, broke from the mob to vote to confirm him.

(Al Hartmann | The Salt Lake Tribune) John Swallow stands for the…

The Salt Lake Tribune) John Swallow stands for the jury with defense team Cara Tangaro, Brad Anderson and Scott Williams in Judge Elizabeth Hruby-MIlls courtroom in Salt Lake City Wednesday Feb. 8 for the first day of his public corruption trial . The Salt Lake Tribune) John Swallow stands for the jury with defense team Cara Tangaro, Brad Anderson and Scott Williams in Judge Elizabeth Hruby-MIlls courtroom in Salt Lake City Wednesday Feb. 8 for the first day of his public corruption trial .

Sonoma City Council hears calls for – sanctuary city’

The Sonoma City Council, shown here in December, heard multiple pleas Feb. 6 to place consideration of declaring Sonoma a ‘sanctuary city’ on an upcoming agenda. The typically local-focused Sonoma City Council took a turn toward national politics on Monday when several community members used the public comment period at the beginning of the session to call for city officials to declare Sonoma a sanctuary city.


Politicians, professors and President Trump weighed in following a federal appeals court’s ruling that refused to reinstate Trump’s ban on travelers from seven predominantly Muslim nations. Politicians, professors and President Trump weighed in following a federal appeals court’s ruling that refused to reinstate Trump’s ban on travelers from seven predominantly Muslim nations.

US aircraft carrier looks to join Seoul-Washington military drill

The USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier made a port call in Guam on Friday in what could be a preparation to take part in an annual joint military drill between South Korea and the United States slated for March, a military source said. A possible mobilization of the nuclear-powered carrier for the upcoming Key Resolve exercise is aimed at deterring North Korea’s growing nuclear and missile threats, it added.

Fudge: Misdirected Anger At Obama Led To Trump’s Win

Democratic Ohio Rep. Marcia Fudge alleged that fear-mongering, not President Donald Trump’s economic message won him the election. Fudge said Democrats have been losing blue-collar voters over time and Trump managed to tap into their anxieties, which she feels gave him an edge with that demographic.

Republican US Rep. Amash’s town hall gets contentious

Hundreds of people packed a Grand Rapids school auditorium for the chance to pose, and in many cases shout, questions to Republican U.S. Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan. The meeting Thursday evening lasted well past its scheduled one-hour duration as the fourth-term congressman fielded 20-plus queries from the crowd.

MOGA fashion label creates headscarf made from raw meat

‘THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!’ Furious Donald Trump tweets that he’ll appeal San Francisco court’s ruling as judges unanimously REFUSE to reinstate his travel ban Shocking moment 18-year-old serial offender is shot dead a fraction of a second after pointing his gun at a cop Hillary Clinton was ‘replaced on Vogue cover by Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner after election loss’ as fashion bible reveals it will cover Melania Trump moving forward CNN’s Chris Cuomo apologizes for saying being called ‘fake news’ as a journalist is the equivalent to someone using the ‘n-word’ as a racial slur Alexa really IS everywhere: Amazon boss Jeff Bezos admits he has installed smart AI speakers in every room in his house Driver dies after his semi-truck is blown off the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel by 40mph winds into the frigid waters below ‘His death was sudden and peaceful’: Matthew Badger, the … (more)

White House playing cleanup

With one tweet early Thursday morning, Trump complicated any attempt Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch might have been making to build support among Senate Democrats who will be crucial to his confirmation. In a series of meetings on Wednesday, senators said Gorsuch told them he found Trump’s recent tweets critical of the judiciary “disheartening” and “demoralizing.”

‘Capitulation’: Clive Hamilton exits Climate Change Authority, blasts Turnbull

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Looming climate catastrophe?: A Rapidly Warming Arctic Could Loose a …

The latest, from a blog called Arctic News , warns that by 2026 — that’s just nine years from now — warming above the Arctic Circle could be so extreme that a massively disrupted and weakened jet stream could lead to global temperature rises so severe that a massive extinction event, including humans, could result. This latest blog post, written by Arctic News editor Sam Carana, draws on research by a number of scientists , who report on various feedback loops that will result from a dramatically warmer north polar region.

Flight Operations

Navy Petty Officer Morgan Jackson signals to an AV-8B Harrier to launch on the flight deck of the USS Makin near the Persian Gulf, Feb. 10, 2017. Navy photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Devin M. Langer The mission of the Department of Defense is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and to protect the security of our country.


A federal appeals court says the U.S. government hasn’t shown a likelihood it will succeed in appealing to reinstate President Donald Trump’s travel ban. A federal appeals court in San Francisco has refused to reinstate President Donald Trump’s ban on travelers from seven predominantly Muslim nations.