The movie begins with a man in white-face makeup-a mime-running down a road. Some ways behind him, but catching up fast, is a car with two plain-clothes detectives in it, Terry Monroe and Bob BolaA o .
Author: Editor
On Trump, Conservatives Have Little Choice but to Take it Issue by Issue
Trump is not presidential, competent or ideologically coherent most of the time. The alternative doesn’t sound that great, either.
California High Court Gives Regulators Vast New Powers
President Donald Trump’s spate of executive orders has jump-started a national debate about the wisdom of executive edicts, especially those that stray into the area of lawmaking. While presidential orders grab the spotlight, the issues of administrative overreach and how to properly limit the power exerted by government officials are frequent subjects of court scrutiny at every level of our political system.
Clip of Trump granddaughter singing spreads on Chinese web
Computer screens display a video clip showing U.S. President Donald Trump’s granddaughter Arabella Kushner singing a Chinese New Year greeting song that garnered almost 20 million views in Beijing, China, Friday, Feb. 3, 2017. The brief video clip of Donald Trump’s granddaughter singing in Chinese is circulating to strong approval on the internet in China, even while some criticized the U.S. president’s failure to send greetings for the Lunar New Year.
In shift, Trump warns Israel against new settlements
President Donald Trump on Thursday warned Israel that constructing new settlements “may not be helpful” to Middle East peace efforts, shifting toward a tougher line with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ‘s government. Still, the White House made clear that the Trump administration “has not taken an official position on settlement activity,” departing from previous administrations that have considered the settlements illegitimate.
Australian PM Admits Controversial Trump Phone Call As “Very Frank”
Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says his phone conversation with US President Donald Trump this week was “cordial” but “very frank” as Trump reportedly expressed his anger over the proposed refugee deal between the two countries, reports China’s Xinhua news agency.. The deal was signed by Turnbull and the previous Obama administration late last year, and requires the United States to take in around 1,200 asylum seekers from Australia’s offshore detention centres on Nauru and Manus Island.
EDITORIAL: Nevada Supreme Court rules for investor in super lien case
The Nevada Supreme Court perpetuated an absurd injustice last week when it decided that property rights and due process don’t apply to mortgage lenders. The justices ruled in favor of a speculator who in 2013 claimed clear title to a Las Vegas property by simply paying off $6,900 in back HOA dues despite the fact that Well Fargo held an $81,000 note on the home.The dispute concerned a poorly written Nevada law passed in 1991 and intended to shield homeowner associations from financial stress triggered by delinquent dues payments.
Sierra Nevada snowfall is at the heaviest in 22 years
Ivanka looks somber as Nordstrom dumps her fashion line from stores and online in response to boycott by thousands of women over the election… but Jared is all smiles as he meets Queen Rania Husband admits stabbing his pregnant wife to death in front of their two children after she begged her church, the police and relatives for protection from his abuse for months Can this Twitter account predict the future? Mysterious social media handle appears to have called Brexit, Trump and Beyonce being pregnant Why noisy eating can frazzle your brain: Scans find that people who become annoyed at chewing or have an abnormality in the organ Woman, 19, was ‘robbed, strangled and thrown off a 50ft bridge by her two FRIENDS’ before her body was swept out to sea and never recovered White man who shot NFL star Joe McKnight in road rage attack is charged with murder after outrage over police who … (more)
Neil Gorsuch nomination to Supreme Court offers peril for both Republicans and Democrats
Of all the phrases associated with modern politics, none may be as bitter as “elections have consequences.”
LETTER: Donald Trump isn’t right for America
In ways not so difficult to understand, some individuals who have been opposed to Donald Trump from the beginning now hope that the president will continue his destructive march through Georgia, burning everything of value.
Power voids on court, Congress imperils US system
WASHINGTON As the nation convulses from one shock after another, are we missing the big picture: the perpetuity of the nation. Is America, like life, merely mortal? It comes down to voids and power.
Lawmakers scrap Obama rules on coal mining, guns
In this file photo, President Barack Obama speaks during his final presidential news conference in the briefing room of the White House in Washington. The Republican-controlled House on Thursday took its first steps toward strengthening gun ownership under President Donald Trump, moving to scrap a requirement for background checks for Social Security recipients mentally incapable of managing their own affairs.
City debates more firefighters
Elizabeth City City Council has agreed to authorize the city to pursue a nearly $300,000 FEMA grant to pay for six new firefighters for two years. However, city officials continue to debate whether the city can afford the firefighters once the grant expires or if the firefighters are needed in the first place.
Today in History
On Feb. 3, 1917, the United States broke off diplomatic relations with Germany, which had announced a policy of unrestricted submarine warfare, the same day an American cargo ship, the SS Housatonic, was sunk by a U-boat off Britain after the crew was allowed to board lifeboats. In 1867, Crown Prince Mutsuhito became Japan’s 122nd emperor at age 14 four days after the death of his father, Emperor Komei .
US: Trump ‘unbelievably disappointed’ in Australia deal
For decades, Australia and t… . FILE – In this May 8, 2016 file photo, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull speaks to the media during a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra, Australia.
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Political polling around the world is often accurate, despite the victory of US President Donald Trump who was widely predicted to lose the 2016 election to Hillary Clinton, researchers said Thursday. Polls correctly predict elections nine out of 10 times, said the findings by the University of Houston published in the journal Science.
Top GOP senators in Obamacare replacement role soften stance on total repeal
Two top Republicans expected to lead the charge in the repealing of the Affordable Care Act said this week they are in favor of repairing it in lieu of a total repeal, which the GOP has aimed to do over the last eight years. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., both spoke about Obamacare and the hurdles the GOP is facing in order to repeal the law in its entirety, according to The Washington Post .
Tense call between Trump and Australian leader strains longtime ties
U.S. ties with staunch ally Australia became strained on Thursday after details about an acrimonious phone call between its leaders emerged and U.S. President Donald Trump said a deal between the two nations on refugee resettlement was “dumb.” During a 25-minute phone call last Saturday with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Trump accused Australia of trying to export the “next Boston bombers” under the agreement, the Washington Post reported.
FMI Applauds Congress on Introduction of Common Sense Nutrition Disclosure Act
February 2, 2017 — ARLINGTON, VA- Food Marketing Institute renewed the supermarket industry’s support for the Common Sense Nutrition Disclosure Act . This bipartisan legislation introduced today addresses persistent problems with the Food and Drug Administration’s menu labeling final rule.
Happy Hour Roundup
Well before President Trump’s inauguration, his top adviser Steve Bannon met with a few top-tier donors – the kind of donors capable of writing million-dollar checks. The message, according to two sources with knowledge of the conversations, was that Bannon wants to use the 2018 midterm elections as the arena to test the political clout of Trump’s populist message.
Court declines Arizona’s bid to reconsider license case
A federal appeals court has refused to reconsider its earlier decision that backed up the ability of young immigrants who are protected from deportation to get an Arizona driver’s license. A three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals had ruled 10 months ago that the immigrants suffered irreparable harm from Arizona’s policy for driver’s licenses.
Grohn Says Berke Had Top Staffer Prepare Calendars For Gubernatorial…
Mayoral candidate Larry Grohn said Thursday he has learned that a top aide to Mayor Andy Berke prepared two calendars for him – for two different top posts away from Chattanooga.
Federal judges to hear arguments defending Trump travel ban
Federal judges on opposite coasts are due Friday to hear legal arguments defending President Donald Trump’s travel ban on citizens from seven predominantly Muslim countries. The ban is sure to reverberate through the courts on a likely path to an appeals court or the U.S. Supreme Court.
An… . CORRECTS LAST NAME FROM GARRETTI TO GARCETTI- Ali Vayeghan, an Iranian citizen with a valid U.S. visa, third from left, kisses his brother Houssein Vayghan, with his Marjan Vayghan at Los Angeles International Airport Thu… .
Franken makes stop with Rep. Nolan, to motivate volunteers
Eighth Congressional District Representative Rick Nolan and U.S. Senator Al Franken visited Lindstrom, January 29. Sen. Franken told a group of 70 or so, preparing to door-knock for the Democrat candidate in the House District special election February 14; that President Trump and his most recent executive order; banning entry or re-entry to the U.S. by people from certain nations, has introduced an element of “chaos” that he and Senator Amy Klobuchar are responding to as best they can. There had been a demonstration at the MSP International Airport and morning media interviews, and Franken was accelerating his schedule for the rest of the weekend so he could participate in last minute events.
Nikki Haley just delivered the Trump administration’s most hawkish words yet toward Russia
The US ambassador to the United Nations on Thursday delivered the Trump administration’s strongest words toward Russia since Trump took office. UN ambassador Nikki Haley declared that existing US sanctions would stay in place against Russia stemming from its annexation of the peninsula of Crimea from Ukraine, amid renewed fighting in the eastern part of the country this week.
ED Nominee DeVos Faces Evenly Split Senate as Two GOP Lawmakers Defect
Betsy DeVos, President Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of the Department of Education , could be the most controversial pick for that post in American history. After her confirmation hearing and narrow approval Tuesday before the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions , two Republican senators – Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska – said they would vote against DeVos when the vote goes before the full Senate.
Congress scraps Obama rules on coal mining, guns
The Republican-controlled Congress on Thursday scrapped Obama-era rules on the environment and guns, counting on a new ally in the White House to help reverse years of what the GOP calls excessive regulation. The Senate gave final approval to a measure eliminating a rule to prevent coal mining debris from being dumped into nearby streams, while the House backed a separate resolution doing away with extended background checks for gun purchases by some Social Security recipients with mental disabilities.
Trump vows to – totally destroy’ restrictions on churches’ support of candidates
President Trump vowed Thursday to “totally destroy” a law passed more than 60 years ago that bans tax-exempt churches from supporting political candidates, a nod to the religious right that helped sweep him into office. Speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, Trump said he would seek to overturn the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits tax-exempt nonprofits – including churches and other houses of worship – from “directly or indirectly” participating in a political candidate’s campaign.
House Rolls Back Rule Restricting Gun Sales to Severely Mentally Ill
The Republican-led House voted Thursday to repeal an Obama-era Social Security Administration regulation to keep people with severe mental illnesses from buying guns. “The Social Security Administration not only overstepped its mission with this regulation, it discriminated against certain Americans with disabilities who receive Social Security benefits.
Colorado’s D.C. delegation rises above fray to back…
As public lands policy continues to pit Democrats against Republicans in a political battle over the future of federal lands , Colorado’s Washington delegation has united on a flurry of bills to protect the state’s public lands. Earlier this week, Republican Reps.
Berkeley campus chaos spurs questions at free-speech bastion
The chaos at the University of California, Berkeley, was shocking: Protesters set fires, smashed windows, hurled explosives at police and ultimately achieved their goal of cancelling an appearance by right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos. The scene gained worldwide attention not just because of the mayhem but because of where it took place.
Can Trump wise up on world affairs before it is too late?
I’VE always maintained that the foreign policy arena is the place where Donald Trump is most likely to come seriously unstuck. Last weekend, as his immigration ban was making international headlines, another story was breaking that the Trump administration hoped would not come to light in the way it did.
Judge to decide anti-DoL fiduciary lawsuit next week
A federal judge expects to issue a ruling next week on a lawsuit seeking to stop the implementation of the fiduciary rule. Chief Judge Barbara Lynn told the parties she’ll make a decision on the case no later than Feb. 10, according to court documents filed on Thursday.
Trump SCOTUS Nominee Neil Gorsuch ‘Founded’ ‘Fascism Forever Club’ in Prep School
From the “you can’t make this up” department, it appears that Neil Gorsuch claimed to have founded a “Fascism Forever Club ” while at Georgetown Prep, from which he graduated in 1985. Known to be fiercely conservative at Georgetown Prep School, #Gorsuch joked in yearbook he founded and led “Fascism Forever Club” The man who has been nominated to replace the late Justice Scalia on the Supreme Court, apparently in more ways than one, included an organization by that name on his yearbook page, declaring himself its founder and president.
Sen. Mike Lee: Pelosi’s ‘Supremacist’ Bannon Dig ‘Defamatory’
Republican Sen. Mike Lee lashed out Thursday at House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for repeatedly calling President Donald Trump’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon, a “white supremacist.” In an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer , the Utah senator said Pelosi should focus on policy, not personal attacks.
Study: Fake News Didn’t Change 2016 Election Results
A new study from Stanford and New York University shows fake news did not change the results of the 2016 presidential election, while far more false stories favored eventual President Donald Trump than his challenger, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. “Our data suggest that social media were not the most important source of election news and even the most widely circulated news stories were seen by only a small fraction of Americans,” lead researchers Hunt Allcott and Matthew Gentzkow wrote in the study, reports The Hill.
White House stands by Trumpa s first military raid, despite civilian, U.S. casualties
The White House on Thursday insisted that the risky ground raid personally approved by President Donald Trump against al Qaida targets in Yemen was a “successful operation,” despite the death of a Navy SEAL and the Pentagon’s conclusion that civilians, including children, were “likely” killed in the operation. “This was a very, very well thought out and executed effort,” White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said.
Shark protection activist, filmmaker Stewart goes missing off Florida
A search for award-winning Canadian filmmaker Rob Stewart, an environmental activist campaigning to protect sharks from being killed, entered its third day on Thursday after he went missing while diving off Florida, the U.S. Coast Guard said. The Coast Guard received a call on Tuesday afternoon of Stewart going missing near Alligator Reef, located a few miles off the Florida Keys.
Medicaid push: Coopera s strong start
For many of us, these are troubling times as Donald Trump has ascended to the nation’s highest office.