Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes. But… At his Senate confirmation hearing, Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied under oath that he had never had contact with the… Despite promising to release his tax returns in a televised debate with Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump continues to show that… When Republicans in the U.S. Congress vowed to repeal the Affordable Care Act , they expected their constituents would be cheering them on.
Category: Healthcare Law
APNewsBreak: GOP health plan could cost Minnesota billions
Minnesota officials are bracing for billions of dollars in additional health care expenses if congressional Republicans enact a plan they’re discussing to replace the Affordable Care Act, according to a draft document obtained by The Associated Press. The planning document shows that the GOP proposal, a draft of which was circulated last week, would cut $1.3 billion next year from the state’s low-income health care program that covers roughly one-sixth of its 5.5 million residents.
First House health care votes near, GOP dissenters persist
In this Feb. 27, 2017, file photo, House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wis. listens at left as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky.
First House health care votes near, GOP dissenters persist
After seven years of saber-rattling, Republicans seem set to start muscling legislation through Congress reshaping the country’s health care system. Don’t confuse that with GOP unity or assume that success is guaranteed.
GOP health bill: Less government; but what about coverage?
Health insurance tax credits, mandates, taxation of employer coverage, essential benefits. Mind-numbing health care jargon is flying around again as Republicans move to repeal and replace the Obama-era Affordable Care Act.
House frosh making a difference
The 47 freshmen in the Kansas House of Representatives who entered office this year are voting in large numbers for a change.
Thursday, March 2, 2017: Marijuana oversight, Trump’s immigration…
The Feb. 22 Washington Post article that appeared in the BDN online about the discovery of seven Earth-like planets circling Trappist-1 made me think that we’re looking for life in all the wrong places. Indeed, the discovery of planetary systems is wonderful news, yet the one God and creator – Jesus Christ – stooped to our planet to seek us.
Trump sounds optimistic tone, hails ‘new chapter of American greatness’ in speech
Heralding a “new chapter of American greatness,” President Donald Trump stood before Congress for the first time Tuesday night and issued a broad call for overhauling the nation’s health care system , significantly boosting military spending and plunging $1 trillion into upgrading crumbling infrastructure. Trump’s address came at a pivotal moment for a new president elected on pledges to swiftly shake up Washington and follow through on the failed promises of career politicians.
Reality Check Quick Takes: Did premiums rise 116% in Arizona?
President Donald Trump on Tuesday delivered a sweeping speech to Congress outlining his legislative priorities and vision for the country. He chose his words carefully and largely stuck to the script, avoiding the freewheeling style that has defined many of his public appearances and stump speeches.
Ahead of Trump speech, McConnell takes swipe at Beshear on Obamacare
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell took a swipe Tuesday at former Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear, the Democrat chosen to deliver the party’s response to President Donald Trump’s speech tonight to Congress. Beshear, governor from 2007 to 2015, championed the implementation of the Affordable Care Act in Kentucky, and he was tapped in part as a rebuttal to McConnell , a Kentucky Republican who’s one of the law’s biggest foes.
Tenet CEO welcomes delays in Republican changes to Obamacare
The delays in Republican plans to overhaul Obamacare are helpful to hospital operator Tenet Healthcare Corp, the company’s chief executive officer said on Tuesday, as the timeline shifts further out for any changes to government healthcare payments. Trevor Fetter, CEO of Tenet Healthcare, speaks at the Reuters Health Summit in New York, May 7, 2013.
Paul Ryan: ‘We are hosed’ if we don’t tackle entitlements like Medicare
President Donald Trump ran on a vow to not cut benefits for Medicare, but House Speaker Paul Ryan said he thinks that is still an “open question.” “From all my conversations with the President, he says ‘I don’t want to change Medicare benefits for people in or near retirement,’ and we agree with that,” the Wisconsin Republican told reporters in his Capitol suite Tuesday morning.
5 things analysts and investors want to hear in Trump speech
Economists and investors will be looking for one thing above all from President Donald Trump’s speech to the nation Tuesday night: What will his promised tax cuts look like? Which Obama-era regulations will be reversed? Will he push for an infrastructure spending plan this year? Trump’s broad campaign promises to sharply cut taxes, reduce red tape and boost spending on infrastructure have helped lift the stock market to record highs. Yet without some further guidance on specific plans, investors might grow impatient.
Divided Republicans await guidance from Trump
Flailing and divided, congressional Republicans are hoping for clarity from President Donald Trump on key issues like health care when he delivers his first speech to a joint meeting of Congress. It comes as Republicans are discovering, a month into Trump’s administration, how difficult it will be to make good on their many promises now that they control Washington in full.
GOP Sens. Cruz, Lee, Paul Call For Full Repeal of Obamacare
Three high-profile Republican senators said Monday night they want to see a full repeal and replace of Obamacare, not merely a fix. Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas, Mike Lee of Utah, and Rand Paul of Kentucky said on their individual Twitter accounts they’d like the 2010 Affordable Care Act wiped from the books so a replacement law can be put in its place.
Lawmakers: Tax exemptions to be examined in upcoming session
Lawmakers who closed a $304 million mid-year budget deficit are already looking ahead to April, when the Legislature will look for revenue sources to help remedy the state’s consistently dire financial picture. After pulling $99 million from the state’s rainy day fund and filling the remaining gap with cuts, including $40 million cut primarily from healthcare administration, the looming task is now to prevent these budget deficits from reoccurring.
Nursing rooms first among Nevada bills to enshrine Obamacare
Nevada lawmakers are taking up the first of a series of Democratic proposals aimed at copying Affordable Care Act policies into state law. Under former President Barack Obama ‘s signature health care law, all employers with a staff of 50 or more already must provide a private place and “reasonable break time” for workers to extract breast milk.
Donald Trump
President Donald Trump toasted the nation’s governors Sunday night, welcoming state leaders to a black-tie ball at the White House ahead of discussions about his plans to repeal and replace the so-called Obamacare law. Trump welcomed 46 governors and their spouses to the annual Governors’ Ball at the White House, the first major social event of his administration.
Mitch McConnell
Congress returns to Washington this week to confront dramatic decisions on health care and the Supreme Court that may help determine the course of Donald Trump’s presidency. First, the president will have his say, in his maiden speech to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night.
AP sources: Trump to propose boosting defense spending
The White House will propose boosting defense spending and slashing funding for longtime Republican targets like the Environmental Protection Agency in a set of marching orders to agencies as it prepares its budget for the upcoming fiscal year. President Donald Trump’s proposal for the 2018 budget year, which will be sent to agencies Monday, won’t make significant changes to Social Security or Medicare, according to an administration official.
An FDA Regulation Is Snuffing Out Small Cigar Manufacturers
FDA attacks on small cigar makers are eliminating consumer choice with an illegal new rule, the nonprofit government watchdog Cause of Action Institute argued in an amicus brief filed Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. The FDA failed to conduct a full cost-benefit analysis – as required by executive orders under former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama – before issuing the “Deeming Rule,” which placed all tobacco products under FDA regulation in August 2016, according to the brief.
Trump’s speech could be marked by disruption or decorum
The sergeant-at-arms will stand at the rear of the House of Representatives on Tuesday night and announce, in a booming voice, the arrival of Donald Trump before a joint session of Congress by intoning: “Mister Speaker, the President of the United States,” just like always. Trump will stride down the centre aisle to lusty cheers and hearty handshakes from his Republican supporters.
Congress to address big issues
Congress returns to Washington this week to confront dramatic decisions on health care and the Supreme Court that may help determine the course of Donald Trump’s presidency. First, the president will have his say, in his maiden speech to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night.
Report warns of gaps if federal health care dollars are cut
A sobering report to governors about the potential consequences of repealing the Obama-era health care law warns that federal spending cuts probably would create funding gaps for states and threaten many people with the loss of insurance coverage. The Affordable Care Act has two main components for expanding coverage: subsidized private health insurance available in all 50 states, and an optional Medicaid expansion that has been accepted by 31 states and the District of Columbia.
Trump toasts nation’s governors ahead of health care talks
President Donald Trump has toasted the nation’s governors, welcoming state leaders to a black-tie ball at the White House ahead of discussions about his plans to repeal and replace the so-called Obamacare law. Trump welcomed 46 governors and their spouses to the annual Governors’ Ball Sunday evening at the White House, the first major social event of his administration.
AP Sources: White House To Propose Boosting Defense Spending
The White House will propose boosting defense spending and slashing funding for longtime Republican targets like the Environmental Protection Agency in a set of marching orders to agencies as it prepares its budget for the upcoming fiscal year. President Donald Trump’s proposal for the 2018 budget year, which will be sent to agencies Monday, won’t make significant changes to Social Security or Medicare, according to an administration official.
Congress returns, sets sights on ACA and Supreme Court
Congress returns to Washington this week to confront dramatic decisions on health care and the Supreme Court that may help determine the course of Donald Trump’s presidency. First, the president will have his say, in his maiden speech to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night.
Trump to meet with health insurers at the White House Monday
Now, he’ll have the chance to talk to some of the nation’s leading health insurers about how to do that. Health insurers are meeting with the president on Monday, and Obamacare is expected to be at the top of the agenda.
Chart to acompany Moore article of Feb. 27, 2017
Stop me if you’ve heard this story before. Governors and state legislators are pleading poverty again and they are demanding tax hikes of every imaginable kind.
Supreme Court of the USA courtesy of Wikimedia contributor Philosophicalswag
Congress returns to Washington this week to confront dramatic decisions on health care and the Supreme Court that may help determine the course of Donald Trump’s presidency. First, the president will have his say, in his maiden speech to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night.
Report: State money fallout from law repeal
A sobering report to governors about the potential consequences of repealing the Obama-era health care law warns that federal spending cuts probably would create funding gaps for states and threaten many people with the loss of insurance coverage. The Affordable Care Act has two main components for expanding coverage: subsidized private health insurance available in all 50 states, and an optional Medicaid expansion that has been accepted by 31 states and the District of Columbia.
Democrats: GOP Medicaid reform plan is really about tax cuts
Tensions emerged Saturday between Democratic and Republican U.S. governors over a GOP-led proposal for a major overhaul to Medicaid, with Democrats saying the changes would take away people’s health coverage to finance tax cuts for the wealthy. GOP governors intend to present Congress with a plan that they say would give states more flexibility to administer health coverage for poorer residents while protecting states from absorbing the costs of repealing the Affordable Care Act.
Congress returns, with health care, Supreme Court on agenda
Congress returns to Washington this week to confront dramatic decisions on health care and the Supreme Court that may help determine the course of Donald Trump’s presidency. First, the president will have his say, in his maiden speech to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night.
In Trump’s first speech to Congress, will decorum hold? NEW
The House sergeant-at-arms will stand at the rear of the House of Representatives on Tuesday night and announce the arrival of Donald Trump before a joint session of Congress by intoning: “Mister Speaker, the President of the United States” just like always. Trump will stride down the center aisle to lusty cheers and hearty handshakes from his Republican supporters.
Kansas Legislature’s lurch to center cuts governor’s clout
In this Feb. 22, 2017 file photo, Gov. Sam Brownback takes questions from the media after signing the veto of the tax bill sent to him from the legislature in Topeka, Kan. Debates in the Kansas Legislature over taxes, expanding the state’s Medicaid program and restoring guaranteed tenure for public school teachers illustrate how much clout Brownback and his allies have lost.
Tosher, like countless other Americans, likes the subsidized healt… . In this Thursday, Feb. 23, 2017, photograph, Vicki Tosher, a breast cancer patient, is shown outside her home in the south Denver suburb of Englewood, Colo.
In Trumpa s first speech to Congress, will decorum hold?
This Dec. 8, 2008, file photo shows the House Chamber on Capitol Hill in Washington. A presidential speech to Congress is one of those all-American moments that ooze ritual and decorum.
GOP proposal aims to end insurance mandate in ‘Obamacare’
A draft Republican bill replacing President Barack Obama ‘s health care law would end its Medicaid expansion, scrap fines on people not buying insurance and eliminate taxes on the medical industry and higher earners. Instead, it would create tax credits worth up to $4,000, allow bigger contributions to personal health savings accounts and impose a new levy on expensive health coverage some employees get at work.
Leaked ObamaCare bill outlines GOP plan
A draft House Republican ObamaCare bill would dismantle the core aspects of the healthcare law and replace them with a system centered on a new tax credit. The measure is dated Feb. 10, so it is not the most recent version of Republicans’ plan.
A.M. Roundup: Medical marijuana program set to grow
Good morning! Yesterday’s temps broke records , and proved me useless as a daffodil whisperer: My bulbs sent up shoots despite my words of warning. In another sign of spring, the Yankees play their first spring training game today , and so do the Mets .