Trump cruises to Electoral College victory despite protests

There were many protesters but few faithless electors as Donald Trump won the Electoral College vote Monday – ensuring he will become America’s 45th president. An effort by anti-Trump forces to persuade Republican electors to abandon the president-elect came to practically nothing and the process unfolded largely according to its traditions.

Democrats Need to Reach Out to the Heartland

If Democrats want to keep blaming others for their sorry performance on Election Day, they’re obviously free to do so. Yes, they were hurt by the disclosure of Hillary Clinton’s private email server, claims that the Clinton Foundation was a “pay-to-play” operation, and even fake news.

Cook explains to employees why he attended Trump tech summit

Apple CEO Tim Cook said he felt it was necessary to “engage” when President-elect Donald Trump – who has railed against Apple and other tech companies – invited him and 11 other tech executives to attend a summit in New York last week Cook explains to employees why he attended Trump tech summit Apple CEO Tim Cook said he felt it was necessary to “engage” when President-elect Donald Trump – who has railed against Apple and other tech companies – invited him and 11 other tech executives to attend a summit in New York last week Check out this story on Apple CEO Tim Cook listens as President-elect Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with technology industry leaders at Trump Tower.

The Democrats and their ‘Cry Me a River’ song

When will it end for the Democrats and their ilk to stop the whining, crying and the-sky-is-falling childish tantrums? Evidently, Hillary Clinton and her cohorts will not cease and desist in their obsessive hatred of Donald Trump and conservative Republicans, as evidenced by their numerous false attempts to derail Trump’s presidency before it begins. If such came to be, then, my fellow Americans, World War II would be a skirmish compared to the very real possibility of what could transpire here in the United States.

NJ presidential electors cast their votes

NJ presidential electors cast their votes NJ Electoral College voters meet amid efforts to convince Republican electors elsewhere to withdraw support of Donald Trump Check out this story on Trump won more than the necessary 270 electoral votes in November. Some groups had been pressuring Republican electors in other states to not vote for him but there was little indication of a significant rebellion.

Wisconsin protesters brave cold to oppose Trump

Protesters braved sub-zero wind chills outside Wisconsin’s state Capitol on Monday to protest against Donald Trump and urge 10 Republican Electoral College members to “vote your conscience” and cast a ballot against the president-elect. The protests, both inside the Capitol and outside where the temperature hovered around zero, came hours before Wisconsin’s presidential electors were to gather in a fourth floor hearing room to officially award the state’s 10 electoral votes to Trump.

Protesters rally in advance of Connecticut electoral vote

Connecticut’s seven electors are expected to formally cast votes at noon Monday for Hillary Clinton, winner of the statewide election for president. But the protesters say they still felt the need to brave the cold and take a public stand, worried about Republican Donald Trump’s suitability to become the next president of the U.S., as well as the alleged Russian interference with the election.

The Latest: SC win gives Trump 44 of 270 electoral votes

Graphic shows disparities between population and electoral votes among states; 4c x 5 inches; 195.7 mm x 127 mm; WASHINGTON – The Latest on the Electoral College meeting Monday to formally elect Donald Trump the nation’s 45th president : With a win in South Carolina, Donald Trump now has won 44 electoral votes of the 270 he needs to formally win the presidency. Clinton won the popular vote in the Nov. 8 election.

Donald Trump blames terrorists for killings in Turkey, Germany

Jumping ahead of investigators, President-elect Donald Trump is blaming Islamic terrorists for deadly violence in Turkey and Germany and vowing anew to eradicate their regional and global networks. Authorities in both countries were still investigating Monday when Trump issued a pair of statements condemning the attacks, the same day the Electoral College formally awarded him the presidency.

Sage, Ink: Naughty Rewards

In the waning days of President Barack Obama’s administration, he and his wife, Michelle, hosted a farewell party, the full import of which no one could then grasp. It was late October, Friday the 21st, and the president had spent many of the previous weeks, as he would spend the two subsequent weeks, campaigning for the Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton.

New Jersey’s presidential electors set to meet in Trenton

The Electoral College delegation will meet Monday afternoon in Trenton to officially allot the state’s 14 electoral votes to Democrats Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine. Clinton won the state on Election Day over Republican President-elect Donald Trump, who is preparing to take office in January to succeed President Barack Obama.

McCain: Russian hacks could ‘destroy democracy’

Sen. John McCain said Russian election-related hacks threaten to “destroy democracy” and faulted the American response as “totally paralyzed.” McCain, the Arizona Republican who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, again called for a select committee to investigate the CIA’s finding that Russia hacked Democrats’ emails in a bid to help President-elect Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton.

Electoral College set to vote Monday


Next 25 Articles

Saturday, Jeanine Pirro slammed first lady Michelle Obama on Fox News Channel’s “Justice” for telling Oprah Winfrey that Americans are no longer feeling hopeful since Donald Trump’s election. “You lived a life few can even imagine at the citadel of power and prestige in the world,” Pirro directed at Obama.

Trump: My backers would be ‘scorned’ if they ‘threatened’ people

President-elect Trump tweeted Sunday evening that his opponents were guilty of a double standard for threats they have made, apparently referring to threats against Electoral College members whom Clinton backers are trying to convince not to vote for Trump. “If my many supporters acted and threatened people like those who lost the election are doing, they would be scorned & called terrible names!” Trump wrote.

U.S. Electoral College Set to Confirm Trump’s Presidential Victory

The next chapter in the tumultuous U.S. presidential election plays out Monday, with voting in the Electoral College expected to officially confirm that billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump will become the country’s 45th president. Americans have known since early November that Trump would take over the White House when he is inaugurated January 20. U.S. presidential elections, however, are not determined by the national popular vote, but rather by the individual outcomes in presidential balloting in all 50 states and the national capital city, Washington.

Trump camp pushes back on Russian election-meddling claim, calls it a ‘spin job’

Stephen Bannon , senior advisor to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, and Reince Priebus stand as Trump speaks at the USA Thank You Tour event at the Wisconsin State Fair Exposition Center in West Allis, Wisconsin, Dec. 13. Donald Trump’s top aides on Sunday said the president-elect isn’t ready to accept the finding by intelligence agencies that Moscow hacked Democratic emails in a bid to elevate Trump. And that even if it’s true, they said, Trump still won the White House fair and square.

Podesta Refuses To Say Election Was ‘Free And Fair’ [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta refused two separate times on Sunday to acknowledge that last month’s election was “free and fair.” “Do you believe this was a free and fair election?” NBC “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd asked Podesta, whose hacked emails were published online during the campaign.