Chelsea Clinton, daughter attend Muslim solidarity rally

New york, Feb 22 – Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of President Donald Trump’s Democratic rival Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton, attended with her two-year-old daughter Charlotte an anti-Trump rally here to show solidarity with the Muslim community. Clinton on Sunday joined hundreds of protesters to attend the rally in Times Square here, The Hill magazine reported.

Trump condemns anti-Semitism

President Donald Trump finally delivered an unequivocal condemnation of anti-Semitism Tuesday in the wake of bomb threats against Jewish Community Centers, winning him praise even from critics. But scores of people still took issue with how long the statement took.

Spokane County Democrats tap Nina Turner, prominent Sanders…

Nina Turner, an Ohio politician and supporter of Bernie Sanders during the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries, will deliver the keynote address at the Spokane County Democrats’ Tom Foley Legacy Dinner on March 25. Nina Turner, an Ohio politician and outspoken supporter of Bernie Sanders during the 2016 Democratic primaries, will speak in Spokane next month at the invitation of the local Democratic Party. Turner is scheduled to deliver the keynote address at the Tom Foley Legacy Dinner & Fundraiser, to be held March 25 at the Lincoln Center.


Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes. But… Despite promising to release his tax returns in a televised debate with Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump continues to show that… **NOTE: THE FORM LETTER IS BLANK.

Hickenlooper won’t rule out 2020 bid

Colorado Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper refused to rule out Monday a presidential run in 2020, telling CNN’s Erin Burnett “there’s going to be a lot of things on the table.” “The key in the next couple of years is to figure out, with all the turmoil going on, how do we make sure we keep our focus to move the country forward, and figure out where are those lines that should not be crossed,” Hickenlooper said on “OutFront.”

Trump was right about improper voting in Texas

Election officers in two of the most populous counties in Texas have yet to decide whether to refer suspected cases of improper balloting that were discovered in reviews of the 2016 general election in November. In addition, election officials in other parts of Texas are planning to let the mistakes go.

Suvir Saran Opens Unico Tacos and More Intel

In conjunction with Unico’s opening, Tapestry is debuting a taco menu at the bar, with $7 tacos that are also available at the new restaurant, which include citrus shrimp tacos with jicama mango slaw, marinated beef tacos with kimchi and gochuchang, and adobo-style pork tacos with grilled shallots. – Bill and Hillary Clinton dined at the Sea Fire Grill on Friday night, when, after dinner, a Kosovar Albanian busser dropped to his knee to thank former President Clinton for the US/NATO role in the Kosovo conflict in the 90s.

An idea whose time has come?

There’s a new idea that might be the solution to runaway populism. Well, it’s not that new, really – it has been kicking around in left-wing circles for a least a quarter-century – but it has suddenly gone mainstream.

Earth will survive, but probably not humanity

To continue reading up to 10 premium articles, you must register , or sign up and take advantage of this exclusive offer: I felt a need to respond to the letter, “ Spaceship Earth endangered, not that Trump cares ,” . First to drag in a man who has been president for 15 days simply means the letter isn’t about climate change, but about another disappointed Hillary Clinton supporter.

How to build an autocracy? Obama showed us how

An Atlantic magazine article by Washington journalist David Frum frets about a coming autocracy engineered by President Donald Trump, and the amazing thing is that the author did not notice the past eight years. It’s as if Noah’s Ark had finally landed and the understood message was that a flood was only now on its way.

A Letter to Mr. Medford of South Carolina

I read about your opinions in an article in the February 18th New York Times Sunday Review. It seemed like you wanted progressives to understand and respect your point of view, which is understandable, but I think the reverse is true, too.

Closing in on Clinton! Hillary’s former aide faces criminal charges

Trying to put Hillary Clinton in prison while Obama was President and Loretta Lynch was having secret meetings with Bill Clinton was harder than everyone expected. Now that the powerful democrats are out of their position and have been replaced with members of the GOP, the forces that be are able to conduct their investigations without abrupt disruptions and distractions.

Closing in on Clinton! Hillary’s former aide faces criminal charges

Trying to put Hillary Clinton in prison while Obama was President and Loretta Lynch was having secret meetings with Bill Clinton was harder than everyone expected. Now that the powerful democrats are out of their position and have been replaced with members of the GOP, the forces that be are able to conduct their investigations without abrupt disruptions and distractions.


Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes. But… Despite promising to release his tax returns in a televised debate with Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump continues to show that… **NOTE: THE FORM LETTER IS BLANK.

Trump rallies supporters by renewing old promises, insults

Just four weeks into his administration, President Donald Trump appeared at a campaign rally that mirrored the months leading up to Election Day, complete with promises to repeal the health care law, insults for the news media and a playlist highlighted by the Rolling Stones. “I want to be among my friends and among the people,” Trump told a cheering crowd packed into an airport hangar in central Florida, praising his “truly great movement.”

AP Exclusive: Hundreds of Texans may have voted improperly

Texas election officials have acknowledged that hundreds of people were allowed to bypass the state’s toughest-in-the-nation voter ID law and improperly cast ballots in the November presidential election by signing a sworn statement instead of showing a photo ID. The chief election officers in two of the state’s largest counties are now considering whether to refer cases to local prosecutors for potential perjury charges or violations of election law.

Trump Blames Media, Judges, Democrats In Chaos Theory Tour-De-Force

Upending decades of U.S. policy on Israel-Palestinian conflict, he told the Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu that he “could live with” either a one state or a two state solution “that both parties want”. “To be honest, I inherited a mess at home and overseas”, he claimed as he spoke of jobs fleeing the country, instability in West Asia and the nuclear threat posed by North Korea.

Chaffetz asks Sessions to look into former staffer over Clinton email probe

House Oversight Chairman Rep. Jason Chaffetz is asking Attorney General Jeff Sessions to look into the staffer who helped set up former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server. In a letter sent Thursday evening, Chaffetz recommends former Clinton IT aide Bryan Pagliano for prosecution over failure to show up in person to his committee in compliance with a subpoena.

Former Trump Adviser: Expect To See More Unscripted Trump Moments

Speaking with the Washington Examiner , former Trump adviser, Roger Stone, promised that the world would see more unscripted Trump pressers, because that’s what his fan base wants to see. “All of my other clients have been career politicians and therefore they were more scripted and more coached and more programmed,” said Stone.