Because of the ACA, Clyde’s visit is covered by Medicaid. Before the law, most West Virginians without children or disabilities could not qualify for Medicaid, no matter how poor they were.
Category: Liberal Political News
The Further Adventures Of Paul Ryan, International Man of Seriousity
Tucker Carlson, in a rare act of journalism, decided to press Paul Ryan on his use of health care policy as a fig leaf for massive upper-class tax cuts. He received a Very Serious answer: Carlson: The overview here is that all the wealth [in] basically the last ten years basically has stuck to the top end, that’s one of the reasons we’ve had all this political turmoil, as you know.
Chris Hayes excoriates Trump: ‘The White House is full of it’ & ‘BS is part of its DNA’
I have yet to see any TV host hit the Trump administration as hard as Chris Hayes did on this episode of All-In. Chris Hayes did not pull any punches as he completely eviscerated the Trump administration for a White House defined by lies.
MSNBC Ali Velshi destroys GOP Congressman lies about Obamacare & Single-Payer healthcare
Ali Velshi methodically schooled Right Wing Congressman Jim Jordan by refuting his lies with authority as fast as the Congressman let them out. Velshi is what a journalist looks like in action.
156 Civil and Human Rights Groups Call for Stronger Response to Hate Incidents
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and 155 civil and human rights groups today called upon the Executive Branch to respond more quickly and forcefully to hate-based incidents, which have been occurring at an alarming rate in recent months. The statement follows: “Our diversity is part of what makes America great, and incidents motivated by hate are an affront to the values we share.
Izzy Award to be Shared by Journalists Who Exposed Private Prison…
In a banner year for journalism by non-conglomerate news outlets, the Park Center for Independent Media at Ithaca College has announced the winners of the ninth annual Izzy Award . The award will be shared by Mother Jones senior reporter SHANE BAUER and Nation Institute Investigative Fund reporter SETH FREED WESSLER who, working independently, revealed major abuses at for-profit U.S. prisons; and by The Nation senior contributing writer ARI BERMAN, who exposed efforts to suppress voting.
Corporate Interests Give Tens of Millions to Dismantle Legal Rights of Consumers and Patients
Big business spent tens of millions to push extreme legislation intended to block victims’ legal rights to seek justice against corporate recklessness and medical malpractice, a new Public Citizen fact sheet shows. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce led the corporate assault against individuals’ legal rights.
Trump’s FDA Pick Has Extensive Industry Ties and Dangerous Deregulatory Ideas
Note: Today, media outlets indicated that President Donald Trump will nominate Dr. Scott Gottlieb to be the U.S. Food and Drug Administration commissioner. Gottlieb is a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a partner at one of the world’s largest venture capital funds – New Enterprise Associates – and a former FDA deputy commissioner.
Guilty Plea By Volkswagen is an Important Step
Statement by Mike Litt, Consumer Program Advocate at U.S. PIRG Education Fund, on today’s guilty plea by Volkswagen in its criminal court case for emission violations “18 months after news of Volkswagen’s emission scandal broke, we’re glad to see the company finally admit to criminal wrongdoing. This kind of company admission is a big deal.
Apparently The Jobs Report Is No Longer A Massive Conspiracy?
President Donald Trump immediately retweeted right-wing media praise for a strong February 2017 jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics , which showed above-average job creation and a steady unemployment rate last month. Trump’s willingness to embrace the BLS monthly jobs report is at odds with his past approach — at least over the last four years — of slamming the number as “phony” and as merely a political tool of the Obama administration.
Fox News Hosts Have No Clue What Planned Parenthood Does
After the release of Republicans’ long-awaited plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act , Fox News’ The Five put on a masterclass in how to get everything wrong about Planned Parenthood’s services and the implications of the attempt to defund the essential health care provider. Earlier this week, Republicans unveiled their alternative to the ACA, called the American Health Care Act .
On Cue, Adoring Pro-Trump Outlets Fawn Over February Jobs Report
Right-wing media reacted with predictable enthusiasm to a better-than-expected February 2017 jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics , which they attributed to President Donald Trump’s unique leadership. In reality, the economy is currently enjoying a 77-month streak of job creation that began under President Barack Obama — whom the same outlets routinely blasted for leading a sluggish economic recovery.
Feminist: Girls Shouldn’t Read Any Books by Men
Caitlin Moran, the widely-celebrated feminist author and columnist, has called for girls to avoid reading any books with male authors until they are grown women. Moran, a Times of London columnist behind the best-selling How to Be a Woman, argued that reading great works by males will make young women cripplingly insecure.
In Syria, our troops try to keep our allies from killing each other. What’s the long-term plan?
Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes. But… At his Senate confirmation hearing, Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied under oath that he had never had contact with the… Despite promising to release his tax returns in a televised debate with Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump continues to show that… We still don’t know what the Trump administration’s intentions in Syria are.
When Discussing Trump’s Muslim Ban 2.0, Cable News Largely Excluded Muslim Guests Again
Cable news once again virtually ignored Muslim voices when hosting guests to discuss President Donald Trump’s revised Muslim ban that now blocks migrants from six majority-Muslim nations , a pattern which has been consistent in cable news reporting since the election of Trump. On March 6, Trump signed a new executive order temporarily banning U.S. entry for immigrants and refugees from six majority-Muslim countries.
Locked-Out Media Watch While Trump Administration Retreats Into Secrecy
“We want to ensure at all times, if confirmed, that the secretary of state and the State Department is fully transparent with the public.” – Secretary of State Rex Tillerson at his January 11, 2017 , confirmation hearing.
The Economy Created 2.1 Million Jobs In 2016, But The News Talked About Only 700 Of Them
Media Matters research for the fourth quarter of the year found that broadcast evening news fixated on then President-elect Donald Trump’s misleading announcement that he was responsible for saving hundreds of jobs at an American manufacturer while largely ignoring the roughly 2.1 million jobs gained by the U.S. economy in 2016. Television news fawned over Trump’s late-November participation in negotiations between state authorities and Indiana-based appliance manufacturer Carrier in which the company decided to move only half of its jobs to Mexico in exchange for tax subsidies.
1 in 3 voters agrees with Trump that the media is ‘the enemy of the American people’
Interpretation of the news based on evidence, including data, as well as anticipating how events might unfold based on past events President Trump’s charge that mainstream news outlets such as CNN and the New York Times are “the enemy of the American people” is sinking in. Either that or Trump’s Feb. 17 tweet just affirmed a view already held by many people.
The president has been seething as he watches round-the-clock cable news coverage. Trump recently vented to an associate that Carter Page, a onetime Trump campaign adviser, keeps appearing on television even though he and Trump have no significant relationship.
Investigating You Investigating Me
The White House showed no indication that it would back down from Mr. Trump’s claims. On Sunday, the president demanded a congressional inquiry into whether Mr. Obama had abused the power of federal law enforcement agencies before the 2016 presidential election.
What does make Americans so insanely xenophobic? I mean, it’s one thing if your community really is being “taken over” by people from somewhere else , but just being driven mad by the presence of someone who looks like a furriner?
The Iraq War Was Bad
Lots of other stuff, too, but I spent quite a few years of my life doing what I thought I could to end that stupid fucking war and get Bushies as far away from power as possible. I even like his damn paintings, but not on board with the whole “lovable Bush” redemption tour.
Trump Campaign Took Illegal Contributions
Donald Trump’s presidential campaign accepted illegal contributions in the weeks after election day and falsely recorded them as paying down the campaign’s debt, according to a complaint filed by two watchdog groups on Thursday. The Campaign Legal Center and left-leaning non-profit Common Cause allege that the campaign violated federal election laws designed to prevent campaigns from circumventing contribution limits.
Sweet Fancy Moses
Likely from the golden commode at the tackily ostentatious throne room at Disgraceland this morning, Trump dropped the following nuggets on Twitter: As I’ve done repeatedly in this nightmarish political cycle, I double-checked to make sure it was actually his account rather than one of the many parodies. The news sites are just now picking it up, so it’s apparently legit.
Fox’s Greg Gutfeld Suggests Sen. Franken Duped Sessions Into Lying About Contacts With Russia
Fox News host Greg Gutfeld surely deserves an award for Most Creative Way To Blame Democrats for the Trump administration’s Russia problems, specifically the fact that Attorney General Jeff Sessions was just caught lying to Congress about his contacts with Russia. Thursday, on Fox’s The Five, Gutfeld suggested that Sessions was the victim of a trick question by Democratic Senator Al Franken.
Mike’s Blog Round Up
No More Mister Nice Blog : The GOP’s narrative about its enemies collides with the GOP’s narrative about itself. We welcome relevant, respectful comments.
C&L’s Late Nite Music Club With Damaged Bug
Musician Jon Dwyer has to be one of those guys who never rests. From his former bands such as the Coach Whips and the Hospitals to his most famous and main vehicle these days, Thee Oh Sees, it seems he doesn’t have a new record out, he is working on one.
a ‘faggot’
Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes. But… At his Senate confirmation hearing, Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied under oath that he had never had contact with the… Despite promising to release his tax returns in a televised debate with Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump continues to show that… “I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘faggot’ – so… Kind of at an impasse.
High Impact Stories
Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes. But… At his Senate confirmation hearing, Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied under oath that he had never had contact with the… Despite promising to release his tax returns in a televised debate with Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump continues to show that… Yesterday 179 Kogs posted 225 stories of which 210 were recommended at least once by a cadre of 2176 recommending readers; 123 stories were recommended by 10 or more readers, 69 by 30 or more, and 38 by 100 or more.
5 critical questions Trump needs to answer about the Russian ambassador’s covert trip to Trump Tower
Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes. But… At his Senate confirmation hearing, Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied under oath that he had never had contact with the… Despite promising to release his tax returns in a televised debate with Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump continues to show that… On the heels of the news that Attorney General Jeff Sessions twice met with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak leading up to the election-and so did a number of other key advisers -the New York Times followed up with this huge development: that Mr. Kushner had met with Mr. Kislyak at Trump Tower in December.
No Resignation, but Pressure Forces Jeff Sessions to Recuse Himself
Responding to growing pressure both from his colleagues and the public at large, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Thursday that he is recusing himself from federal investigations into possible Russian interference in the 2016 election. Though he continued to deny the accusation that he lied under oath as “totally false,” he said he spoke with his staff and they recommended recusal.
Congressional Democrats call on Attorney General to resign
A growing number of Democratic senators and representatives say Jeff Sessions must resign over revelations he made false statements under oath. A bipartisan array of members of Congress have called for Jeff Sessions to recuse himself from the investigation into contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian government officials, following revelations on Wednesday that the Attorney General falsely claimed under oath in his confirmation hearings that he had not met with Russian representatives.
Chevron is first oil major to warn investors of risks from climate change lawsuits
Big Oil’s lies about the existential risk posed by its product are now catching up with the industry and threatening profits. For the first time, one of the major publicly owned fossil fuel companies admitted publicly to investors that climate change lawsuits poses a risk to risk to its profits.
Sessions Lied About Contact With Russians. When Will He Resign?
In the wake of news that Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III lied to the Senate about his contacts with Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, he must resign. He did not simply lie in his testimony .
Toddler-In-Chief Sticks To The Script. So What?
The U.S. mainstream media has a very short memory. Did you know that Trump has ‘pivoted’ and/or is suddenly reasonable simply based on his delivery of ONE speech? He was on his best behavior and listened to his handlers like a big boy, in front of Congress no less.
C&L’s Late Nite Music Club With The Gaslamp Killer
Was I daydreaming a bit today? Yes. About a beach. Any beach as long as the weather is nice.
Pelosi, Cummings call for Sessions to resign as AG over his lying about contacts with the Russians
Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes. But… Despite promising to release his tax returns in a televised debate with Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump continues to show that… **NOTE: THE FORM LETTER IS BLANK.
Bernie Sanders Responds to Trump’s First Congressional Address
Bernie Sanders replied to Donald Trump’s first speech to Congress by calling out the president’s failure to acknowledge his campaign promises, lies about corporate tax rates and more.
SEAL Raid Has Yielded No Significant Intel
Last month’s deadly commando raid in Yemen, which cost the lives of a U.S. Navy SEAL and a number of children, has so far yielded no significant intelligence, U.S. officials told NBC News. Although Pentagon officials have said the raid produced “actionable intelligence,” senior officials who spoke to NBC News said they were unaware of any, even as the father of the dead SEAL questioned the premise of the raid in an interview with the Miami Herald published Sunday.
Across the heartland, Trump voters are a bit confused as to what the hell they voted for
Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes. But… Despite promising to release his tax returns in a televised debate with Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump continues to show that… **NOTE: THE FORM LETTER IS BLANK.