Editorial: Fighting back

One in three Canadian women over the age of 16 will be the victim of sexual assault in their lifetimes. Many cases are never reported to the police or even other family members.

3 proposed bills may affect estate planning in Texas

Budget: With a revenue shortfall predicted to top $4 billion, the new state budget will have to go on a diet, even as Abbott and legislative leaders hope that President-elect Donald Trump’s promises to bolster federal border-security initiatives and curb skyrocketing health care costs could save the state billions. Less money will affect passage of proposals with big price tags, including franchise tax reductions and tuition reforms, they agree.

West Slope should get a say in health reform

This is the year Obamacare would have permitted a state to apply for a waiver to pursue innovative strategies for providing residents with access to high-quality, affordable health insurance while retaining the basic protections of the Affordable Care Act. It appears, however, that the opportunity to experiment with an alternative to Obamacare with the full backing of the federal government is winding down.

Printed Letters: Jan. 25, 2017

The city’s recreation needs are important As Robin Brown, who managed the capital campaign for the renovation of the Avalon Theater, so appropriately asked in her opinion column on Sunday: Is a convention center the best place to invest $62 million right now when there may be more immediate needs, like a community recreation center, for example? Not to make a pun, but discussion around the recreation needs of the community is not just “fun and games.” Our report card from the Mesa County Health Department has consistently ranked us at the bottom among other Colorado counties for a litany of social ills, many stemming from isolation.

Will GOP repeal Obamacare and run?

In a statement reminiscent of the Vietnam War explanation that “we had to destroy the village in order to save it,” Rep. Scott Tipton assured his constituents that “it is clearer than ever that fixing our nation’s health care system will require a full repeal of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act , also known as Obamacare.” If Republicans thought such ideas would resonate with their constituents back home, they must have been shocked at the reception Rep Mike Coffman got when he met with his regularly scheduled one-on-one meetings with constituents at the Aurora Public Library.

US President Donald Trump stands up for Big Oil as week one rolls on

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Kids will fall through the cracks with Obamacare repeal – what’s Trump’s Plan B?: Joan Benso and Denise Salerno

Kids will fall through the cracks with Obamacare repeal – what’s Trump’s Plan B?: Joan Benso and Denise Salerno Molly Brechtel, at left, and Daniel Doubet join about 15 protestors gathered at the Federal Courthouse in Erie, Pa., on Thursday, Jan. 12, 2017, to deliver signatures to U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., who has an office at the courthouse. The protestors urged Toomey not to repeal the Affordable Care Act without a replacement.

Gacad: Miss U

MISS Universe is an annual international beauty pageant that is run by the Miss Universe Organization. Along with its rival contests, Miss World and Miss Earth, this pageant is one of the most important and publicized beauty pageants in the world.

A bridge to a vibrant downtown New London

To continue reading up to 10 premium articles, you must register , or sign up and take advantage of this exclusive offer: I am almost as excited about the pedestrian bridge that will provide access to the proposed National Coast Guard Museum on the city’s waterfront as I am about the museum itself. As part of the museum plans, Gov. Dannel P. Malloy has pledged $20 million in state aid to construct the bridge.

Editorial: A message from Kansans: Stop embarrassing us

If you asked a few politically minded Americans how they would characterize our state, how do you think they would answer? Would they admire the prudent, bipartisan governance that has guided us through the past few years? Or would they say something about Gov. Sam Brownback’s 26 percent approval rating, Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s obsession with voter fraud, the reckless campus carry law that will take effect this year and a fiscal situation that can only be described as a disaster? This is the image of Kansas that has crystallized across the country.

How do we stop all the fake news?

I have tried to dial back my knee-jerk tendency to zip off letters to the editor. However, I have to release some of the pressure caused by this whirlwind of opinions President Donald Trump is generating in my head.

What Is – Free Trade But Fair Trade’?

President-elect Donald Trump’s threats against American companies looking to relocate in foreign countries have won favorable review from many quarters. Support comes from those alarmed about trade deficits, those who want a “level playing field” and those who call for “free trade but fair trade,” whatever that means.

NYT: He Is She, Communist Is Capitalist

White House Spokesman Josh Earnest and Secretary of State John Kerry finished President Barack Obama’s final term with fitting acts of propaganda. Had you listened uncritically to Earnest, you would have thought a male soldier imprisoned for leaking classified documents was a “young woman.”

Our Opinion: Different paths to poor choices

Federal cabinet positions are really no place for amateurs and/or those whose special interests may be counter to the best interests of the country at large. The Donald Trump cabinet contains examples of both, and the effort of friendly Republican congressmen to hasten them through hearings last week couldn’t disguise this.

Why we need more Wayne Barretts now

When Wayne Barrett died last Thursday after years of debilitating lung disease, someone said that the impending inauguration of Donald Trump might just have been unbearable to him, the veteran investigative reporter who probably knew more about the new President than any other journalist in the country. But troubled though Wayne was by the rise of a man he considered woefully unfit and unready for the Oval Office, he consistently rejected any sense of despair.

Blame insurers, not Obamacare

Blame insurers, not Obamacare The recent op-ed by Congressman Scott Perry misleads your readership on the effects of the Affordable Care Act. Check out this story on ydr.com: http://on-ydr.co/2jDAkLh The recent op-ed by Congressman Scott Perry seriously misleads your readership on the effects of the Affordable Care Act and the Republican plan to repeal it.

Obama’s U.S. better than he found it

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Trump versus Paris accord

The Paris Agreement aimed at combating global warming, which went into effect on Nov. 4, is exposed to the same crisis that beset the Kyoto Protocol adopted at the 3rd United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in December 1997. When the Kyoto Protocol was adopted, the United States was led by the administration of President Bill Clinton.

a I will not go forward quietlya

That’s a personal motto with which I have occasionally consoled myself since I was a teenager. It means that for as much as we naturally seek to avoid the unpleasant situation, to find a way over or around it, there are times in this life when the only option is to go through it, to endure the unendurable thing and pick up the pieces on the other side.

Editorial: Bad bug

Forget fake news and the Russian influence on the U.S. election. Forget about ripping up trade deals and building walls and deporting illegal immigrants.

Tony Norman: Beware, the Ides of “March”

Last year, thanks to an invitation from the ToonSeum, I had the honor of sharing the stage of the August Wilson Center with Rep. John Lewis of Georgia’s Fifth Congressional District. The civil rights icon was making the rounds promoting his three-part graphic novel series, “March,” with collaborators Andrew Aydin and Nate Powell.

Guest Editorial: Obama was a friend to Canada

Many Canadians watched with admiration and perhaps some regret as U.S. President Barack Obama delivered his farewell speech to his nation. He was eloquent, as always, saying he remains optimistic about the future as he spoke to 20,000 emotional supporters in Chicago and millions more watching on television.