A drilling operation is pictured near Weld County Road 5 and Colo. 66 between Longmont and Mead on Feb. 14. Longmont City Council members voted 5-2 on Tuesday night to state their opposition to a proposed Colorado law that would make local governments liable for paying oil and gas mineral rights holders who lose income because of bans on local hydraulic – or “fracking” – or oil and gas moratoriums.
Category: Representative Scott Perry
Blame insurers, not Obamacare
Blame insurers, not Obamacare The recent op-ed by Congressman Scott Perry misleads your readership on the effects of the Affordable Care Act. Check out this story on ydr.com: http://on-ydr.co/2jDAkLh The recent op-ed by Congressman Scott Perry seriously misleads your readership on the effects of the Affordable Care Act and the Republican plan to repeal it.