The sharp divisions over President-elect Donald Trump’s election have politicians, celebrities and even high school students debating whether taking part in the inauguration is a political act that demonstrates support for the new president and his agenda or a nonpartisan tribute to democratic traditions and the peaceful transfer of power. Among critics of the president-elect, everyone from Hillary Clinton and Hollywood A-listers to the band director at tiny Madawaska Middle/a High School in northern Maine and singers in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is wrestling with this issue – and reaching different conclusions.
Category: The Mormon Tabernacle Choir
To celebrate inaugural or not? Trump critics are divided
It’s typically an unquestioned honor to participate in the inauguration of an American president. Who wouldn’t want to be part of such a historic event? The sharp divisions over Donald Trump’s election have politicians, celebrities and even high school students debating whether taking part in the inauguration is a political act that demonstrates support for the new president and his agenda or a nonpartisan tribute to democratic traditions and the peaceful transfer of power.
Ben Ferguson Claims Mormon Tabernacle Choir Performed at Obama Inauguration
During a segment on CNN tonight, conservative radio host Ben Ferguson made a claim about the Mormon Tabernacle Choir that was blatantly false and was later called out on it. Discussing the news that one of the members of the choir quit, stating that she can’t sing at the inauguration for President-elect Donald Trump , Ferguson opened up the discussion by invoking abortion while bringing up President Barack Obama .