Complaint: Religious message on Wright-Patterson AFB boxes broke Air Force rules

PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – A complaint alleges an intelligence center at Ohio’s largest military base broke U.S. Air Force rules by allowing religious references on charity collection boxes that were inside two of its buildings. The Dayton Daily News reports a National Air and Space Intelligence Center employee filed the complaint Tuesday with the center’s Inspector General’s office.

Thai junta gives go-ahead to buy Chinese submarine and tanks

Thailand’s military government has approved 13.5 billion baht to buy a submarine from China after putting the purchase on hold last year, Thai officials said on Wednesday. While the Thai army will purchase 10 tanks and auxiliary vehicles from China, in addition to 28 main battle tanks ordered from China last year.

Trump taps ex-Rep. Heather Wilson for Air Force secretary

President Donald Trump said Monday he has selected former Republican congresswoman Heather Wilson of New Mexico to be secretary of the Air Force. Wilson , an Air Force Academy graduate, served as an Air Force officer in Europe during the 1980s and was on the National Security Council staff under President George H.W. Bush during the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The test saw an unarmed Trident missile reportedly malfunction off the coast of Florida in June

Theresa May was informed about the Trident missile test at the centre of cover-up allegations before she addressed MPs on the A 40 billion renewal of the nuclear deterrent last summer, Downing Street has confirmed. But the Prime Minister’s official spokeswoman declined to confirm or deny reports that a missile malfunctioned during the test, stating only that Mrs May was told the operation was completed successfully.

The Latest: Trump vows to ‘send in the Feds’ to help Chicago

Trump tweeted Tuesday night, “If Chicago doesn’t fix the horrible ‘carnage’ going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings , I will send in the Feds!” Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel criticized Trump on Monday for worrying about the size of the crowd at his inauguration. Emanuel, a longtime political ally of former President Barack Obama, also acknowledged his own frustration with Chicago’s crime rate.

Today in History

On Jan. 23, 1933, the 20th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the so-called “Lame Duck Amendment,” was ratified as Missouri approved it. In 1516, King Ferdinand II of Aragon, who with his late queen consort, Isabella of Castile, sponsored the first voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1492, died in Madrigalejo, Spain.

Theresa May faces calls to come clean on failed Trident test

Theresa May is facing calls to come clean over a failed test of the Trident nuclear deterrent amid claims the government acted like North Korea in covering up the incident. The Prime Minister failed to answer several direct questions on her knowledge of the test, which took place weeks before MPs approved the 40 billion Trident renewal programme in July.

The Government said the Royal Navy conducted a routine Trident missile test from HMS Vengeance

Ministers have been accused of covering up a failed test of the Trident nuclear deterrent weeks before a crucial Commons vote on the future of the submarine-launched missile system. Labour former defence minister Kevan Jones demanded an inquiry into Sunday Times claims that the launch of an unarmed Trident II D5 missile from a British submarine off the coast of Florida in June malfunctioned.

Sentencing reset for Alaska strip club owner in dumping case

A sentencing hearing has been canceled for the second day in a row in the case of an Alaska man who was convicted of illegally dumping human waste into a harbor while operating a floating strip club This 2014 photo shows the Wild Alaskan, a converted crabbing boat that had been used as a strip club, moored near downtown Kodiak, Alaska. A sentencing hearing has been rescheduled for Darren Byler, who was found guilty of illegally dumping human waste into a harbor from the boat.

Trump begins to set up his administration

President Donald Trump quickly assumed the mantle of the White House and began setting up his new administration on Friday, signing a bill that allows retired Gen. James Mattis to serve as his defense secretary, as well as the nomination papers for his other Cabinet choices.

On exit, Obama says presidency proved hope wins out

Former President Barack Obama exited the presidency on Friday with a message of gratitude to Americans and a plea to his supporters not to be bowed by the inauguration of President Donald Trump. In a farewell speech at Andrews Air Force Base before boarding the presidential plane for the last time, Obama said he’d been met by skepticism and doubt throughout his eight years in office by some who Obama said his supporters had transcended the obstacles posed by entrenched political powers by finding bonds of unity with Americans of all stripes.

Trump takes the stage for his inauguration

Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence took the stage at the Capitol minutes after President Barack Obama and members of his family and administration. Hundreds of people who worked for President Barack Obama are arriving at Andrews Air Force Base to hear some final parting words from the soon-to-be ex-president.

The Latest: Trump takes the stage for his inauguration

U.S. embassies and consulates in at least 10 nations in Asia, Europe and Latin America are warning of potentially violent protests through the weekend against the inauguration of Donald Trump as U.S. president. Security notices posted by U.S. diplomatic missions in Chile, Denmark, France, Greece, Haiti, Italy the Netherlands, Paraguay, Portugal and the Philippines advise American in those countries to steer clear of embassies and consulates on Friday and, in some cases, on Saturday and Sunday.

Inauguration Day: Trump to become America’s 45th president

Donald Trump, a real estate mogul and reality television star who upended American politics and energized voters angry with Washington, will be sworn in Friday as the 45th president of the United States, putting Republicans in control of the White House for the first time in eight years. Ebullient Trump supporters flocked to the nation’s capital for the inaugural festivities, some wearing red hats emblazoned with his “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan.

INS Chennai, Scorpene submarines on Navy’s R-Day tableau

New Delhi, Jan 20 – Demonstrating its capabilities and operational readiness, the Indian Navy will this year display on its tableau at the Republic Day parade the Kolkata-class stealth guided missile destroyer INS Chennai as well as indigenously-made Scorpene submarines. At a time when China’s aggressive postures in the South China Sea, and the presence of its naval ships and submarines in the Indian Ocean have raised concerns, the Indian Navy’s tableau represents its commitment towards guarding India’s strategic and economic interests.

Lack of Latinos in Trump Cabinet draws ire for ‘setback’

President-elect Donald Trump, accompanied by his wife Melania Trump, waves as they arrive at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017, ahead of Friday’s inauguration. President-elect Donald Trump, accompanied by his wife Melania Trump, waves as they arrive at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017, ahead of Friday’s inauguration.

Trump steps into security bubble; will he bring his phone?

President-elect Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump arrive at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017, ahead of Friday’s inauguration. President-elect Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump arrive at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017, ahead of Friday’s inauguration.

Group Urges Trump to Counter Iran Deal

A bipartisan group of former top U.S. officials is calling on Donald Trump to establish a dialogue with Iranian exiles to counter the deal Obama made with Iran. In a three-page letter to the president-elect, the officials called on him to begin dealing with the Paris-based National Council of Resistance of Iran and its main component the Mujahedeen-e Khalq , which have been the premier voices of opposition to the Tehran regime since 1979.

Cutest captain: Sea lion caught in fishing gear hops on boat

In this Saturday, Jan. 14, 2017 photo released by the U.S. Coast Guard Station Los Angeles, a sea lion hitches a ride on a US Coast Guard boat crew off the coast of Newport Beach, Calif. Officials say the juvenile sea lion was so happy to be rescued after getting hooked by fishing gear off Southern California, it happily jumped into a Coast Guard boat.

Kerry’s stop in Vietnam is emotional peak of final trip

It could have been 1969 again as Secretary of State John Kerry stood on the bow of the small boat chugging up the Bay Hap River on Saturday, the wind billowing his sleeves and his eyes darting left and right toward banks shrouded in dark foliage. As a young Navy lieutenant,Mr. Kerry commanded a Swift boat along this stretch of churning brown waters in the middle of a free-fire zone.

Trump team struggles for cohesion on tougher China policy

The incoming U.S. administration’s tough talk against China has set the stage for showdowns on everything from security to trade and cyberspace, but contradictory signals are sowing uncertainty over how far President-elect Donald Trump is prepared to go in confronting Beijing. Highlighting the contested South China Sea as a potential flashpoint, Trump’s Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson threw out an explosive challenge to Beijing on Wednesday by calling for it be denied access to artificial islands it is building in the strategic waterway.

SpaceX launches first rocket since explosion in Florida

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket blasted off from California on Saturday and placed a constellation of satellites in orbit, marking the company’s first launch since a fireball engulfed a similar rocket on a Florida launch pad more than four months ago. The two-stage rocket lifted off from Vandenberg Air Force Base at 9:54 a.m. carrying a payload for Iridium Communications Inc., which is replacing its entire global network with 70 next-generation satellites.