How to Cope with Allergies & Asthma in 2017

In 2017, Live Science is bringing our readers a monthly series on personal health goals, with tips and tricks we’ve gathered from the many health experts we’ve interviewed. Each month, we’ll focus on a different goal, and the goal for March is exercise.

Hordes of people wasting NHS resources for allergy tests

Are we a nation of hypochondriacs? Majority of people wasting NHS resources on allergy tests they DON’T need, experts say Roughly 12 per cent of the adult population believe they have a food aversion – when, in reality, only 1 to 2 per cent actually do. The latter, although only comprising of four questions, offered a 90 per cent accuracy in detection and could subsequently help save the NHS huge sums.

new Springtime allergies arrive early this year

It’s hard not to enjoy a warm day during winter, but for some people a mild day sneaking up during the winter months can trigger allergy symptoms down the road. “Allergies really make people feel miserable, you feel like you have a cold, all the time,” said Rockville allergist Dr. Rachel Schreiber with Schreiber Allergy .